MMB Untitled Part 14

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Title: Re: Make Me Better --> Chapter 13 UPDATED!!! ((9/6/07 -- Pg 47!)).

Post by: because, im daddy! on September 09, 2007, 01:48:20 AM


Beyonce sat up at night re-reading Shawn's letter for the 3rd time. It was so honest, and sweet. It made her feel... in love.

Dear Bee,

I've been thinking about you a lot. More than I probably should considering I got the whole street on my shoulders. I'm not going to lie to you, I never expected to care about you so much so quickly. But I do. I really do. When we made love tonight it felt so right, but don't misunderstand. That's not the only reason that you mean so much to me. I like talking to you, making you laugh, just spending time with you. Even before you let me inside of you I had feelings for you.

Things are about to get really crazy for me. The streets are getting crazy and I got a feeling some shit gon pop off. I don't know if we'll spend everyday together as we do now, but that won't stop me from thinking of you. Write me back.



'He wants me to write back... but what will I write?' Bee thought. He sounded so sincere and truthful in his letter, so Bee figured she'd do the same.

Dear Shawn,

When I first read your letter I was touched. I care about you a lot, too. I know we've only been talking for a little while, but I think about you all the time. Sometimes I have to catch myself because my mind drifts off thinking about you. I have never felt this was about a guy the same way I feel about you. It means so much that you feel the same way. Of course what we did tonight - - well last night seeing as how when u read this it well be a new day, was kinda like a first for me. I never knew it could feel so... good. From our first kiss, our first fight everything just felt so right between us. I should be sleeping, instead of writing, Ha. But I wanted to blurt this all out while I was still on my high. I have never written a letter like this,I never had to.



Beyonce looked over the letter she had just written then smiled. It was exactly how she felt. She thought about calling Laila and telling her what went down tonight but she wasn't in the mood for hearing her hypeness so she decided against it. What they did tonight was between the two of them, she didn't need everybody knowing her business. Beyonce put the letter in her book bag so she wouldn't forget it. Shawn was picking her up in the morning so she'd give him the letter then. Bee laid in bed as her mind drifted off to Shawn just like she mentioned in the letter. She was gonna have a good sleep tonight.

* * *

Bee woke up, showered and got dressed. She was really having senioritis because she definitely didn't want to go to school. But she had to; it was her only excuse to see Shawn this morning. Her mind wandered back to the night before. She loved everything about it and she couldn't help but replay it in her head. The doorbell rang bringing Bee back to the present, she slipped her multi colored coach sneakers on then went to answer the door. "Hey" she said as Shawn entered the house.

"You almost ready" he asked.

"yeah, lemme get my bag" Beyonce said going into her room and getting her bag making sure to re-check that the note was inside.

"You got everything" he questioned as she walked back into the living room.

"Yeah, I'm good" she answered as the two walked out, locking the door behind them.

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