MMB Untitled Part 15

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Title: Re: Make Me Better --> Chapter 14 UPDATED!!! ((9/8/07 -- Pg 51!)).

Post by: because, im daddy! on September 13, 2007, 09:02:08 PM


Shawn continued to call Beyonce everyday. Of course she never picked up and she also found herself avoiding everything that reminded her of him. She stayed off the streets and took the long way from school. She hadn't been to Lou's store in the 2 weeks since Shawn and Bee had their argument. Tyzear has been asking about him like crazy, and although he's not good with talking the name Shawn came easy to him. That's one of the reasons why she didn't want to date someone, her son might get too attached - & that's exactly what Tyzear did. She'd be lying her ass off if she said she didn't miss Shawn. She missed him everything about that man, his laugh, his smile, his brown eyes, EVERYTHING! But that still doesn't change that fact that he did her wrong. She could never forgive him, especially since she told him a secret that only one person knew in her life. She swore he was a good man, but she was wrong. Deep down she knew Shawn cared about her, his ego was just too big to admit it. Bee slowly picked herself up from her bed. That's all she's been doing lately, staying in bed. Sometimes it'll be so bad that she ended up zoning Tyzear out. This whole thing was just too much for her. Beyonce put on her over-sized glasses that covered her red puffy eye then made her way outside. It was 5:30 and if she planned on picking Tyzear up before 6 then she had to go the easy way. She told herself if she saw Shawn she'd keep on going and ignore him, 'Don't feed into no bullshit'. She turned onto the corner of Lou's store with a sign of relief. Shawn wasn't there.

"This bitch" she heard Ty Ty mumble as Crystal smacked her lips. They were both bitter by how Shawn just up and left and never came back. Bee didn't pay them no mind and continued walking like she was the shit until she reached the daycare.

"Hey Bee, how you doing" Tyzear's daycare teacher Iesha asked.

"I've been alright" Bee answered with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"That's good to hear, ima go get Tyzear from the back" she said going making her way to the back room as Bee signed him out. Beyonce smiled as Tyzear slowly walked towards her, he was really getting the hang of this walking thing. He was damn near a pro. Bee was in somewhat of a rush so instead of him walking she put him in his stroller and made her way out of the daycare waving goodbye to Iesha. She wasn't in the mood for Shawn's friends so she just went the long way home. Of course she didn't want them thinking she was some scared chick, and was avoiding them to avoid a fight cause that wasn't it at all. She just didn't feel the need to, they were petty she didn't have time for people like them. She didn't have to prove a point to them or anyone else.

"Ay yo Shawty, was sup" some random dude said stepping in Bee's path, blocking her and Tyzear from making their way home.

"Ugh, im not in the mood. Let's cut this bullshit short and step out my way" Bee answered.

"Must be that time of the month, it's alright tho" he said stepping out of Bee's way.

"Bitch must be bitter cuz Shawn played her" he laughed making his way to his friends. Bee just rolled her eyes and kept it moving, she was used to the sly remarks about how Shawn played her. They ain't hurt her none. She knew how he truly felt. Beyonce and Tyzear safely made it home with no interruptions. She planned on going back to bed but Tyzear was wide awake so her plans had been crushed. She decided to make him dinner, and play with him a little while until he got tired.

Beyonce and Tyzear were playing with Tyzear's car trucks when the doorbell rang. She hesitated for a minute, but then decided to g see who it was. Her mind went to Shawn, 'what if that was him'. She really didn't feel like being bothered so she decided to check the peephole first. The person behind the door shocked the hell out of her. She quickly opened the door as Mercedes fell crying into her hands. She looked up from Mercedes and saw Shawn. He must have brought her over. Beyonce picked Mercedes face up from her chest and looked her into the eye wiping her escaped tears. "Go in the house" Beyonce said to her as she nodded. Mercedes slowly made her way into the house as Bee turned her attention. "She was on the street, I just had to bring her here" Shawn said. "Bee look" Shawn begun. "Thanks" Bee said shutting the door behind her. Beyonce didn't have anything to say to him. She appreciated the generous deed he did for her, but that was about it.

Bee made her way back to Tyzear and decided to lay him down in her room while she talked to Mercedes alone. She peeked her head into Mercedes room, watching as her best friend sat there crying. Bee sat on Mercedes bed rubbing her back and Mercedes cried in her chest.

"Please don't say you were right, I don't need to hear that right now" Mercedes cried.

"I won't" Bee whispered.

"I couldn't take it anymore Bee, I had to leave" she cried out as Beyonce listened to every word Mercedes said.

"Im glad you did. Never leave me again Mercedes, you had me worried sick about you"

"Never let me leave, punch me or something, but NEVER let me leave. This is my home with you and Tyzear. If I ever find another man i'll make sure you approve" Mercedes chuckled.

"Trust me girl, you ain't going nowhere for a long time. I got you back. I know you really liked him Cede. But there are other guys in the sea trust me" Bee said.

"I know! Your so lucky, you already found it"

"um, no I didn't. Me and Shawn don't talk anymore"

"He told me everything Bee, he's really sorry. He really loves you, he told me himself" Mercedes said as Bee let out a silent tear.

"I don't want to talk about him anymore." Bee said.

"I'm just happy my best friend is back" Bee smiled, hiding the pain.

"Girl, I'm happy to be back too. I missed you and Tyzear so much. Love was blinding me and I forgot where I needed to be. I was moving too quickly when I knew I shouldn't have. I can't believe I actually thought he loved me"

"He was sick for doing this do you, he never deserved you. You deserve someone so much better. But I'm glad you learned from this, now you know how to pick your next man. If you see any symptoms of him being like Rich, dump his ass. If he start acting up we gon throw some D's on the b!tch" Bee laughed, lighting up the mood.

"Shawn did wonders on Rich's face, I know he aint coming back for me" Mercedes laughed.

"Shawn beat him up?" Bee asked.

"Yup, Shawn had seen me on the street and picked me up. I thought he was gonna drive me straight home but instead he made a surprise visit to Rich's house and beat his ass. I was shocked, but I'm happy he did it. Rich deserves every throw, every punch, and every kick Shawn laid on him"

"Exactly he should not have been treating you that way. But we gon move on from this, I promise you." Bee said, giving Mercedes a tight hug.

"Can you promise me something else too?" Mercedes asked.


"Can you give Shawn a second chance..." 

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