Chapter 13:~The Final battle~

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Elrond looked at the bruises from earlier times Darago had hit her. And he took the opportunity to look at the wounds on her wrists from the times she had been chained by Cirdan.
"Elora, how long has this been going on?,"Legolas asked his sister. It took a while before Elora answered.
"Since a week after he started to work for me,"Elora said quietly, "And that's a month now,"
"Elora, why haven't you told me about this?,"Elladan asked, "If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have let him come near you,"
Elora shook her head, "Because I was afraid it would get worse if anyone knew about it,"
"The important thing is that we know about it now,"Elrond explained.
And suddenly, a guard entered the hall,
"My Lord, Hadrian is at the field with an army,"
Elrond nodded, "Then let's prepare for battle. Elora, you stay here,"
Elora shook her head, "But I wanna help!,"
"Elora, no!," Legolas protested, "After what happened, I'm not letting you near any other man," And Emersion sighed, "Elora, you nearly died the last time you faced my father. I'm not letting that happen again,"
And they left and locked the door behind them.

Elora felt her anger rise, *I'm the Queen of Dragons! This is my fight!*

And she quickly got dressed.

And she quickly got dressed

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And she grabbed her bow and arrows and white knife

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And she grabbed her bow and arrows and white knife.

And she grabbed her bow and arrows and white knife

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And jumped down from the balcony. And called on Starlight.

Starlight landed in front of her,
"What is that you ask of me, young Queen?,"
Elora sighed, "My family is going against Hadrian alone. They won't let me help. But if I don't, they'll all die!,"
Starlight sighed, "Well, if that's what you want, I will help you,"
And she let down her wing so Elora could climb up on her back, "Fly Starlight,"
And Starlight flew away.

(The battlefield)

Hadrian showed up with his soldiers,
"Oh, Thranduil, do you and your kind have any last words!?,"
Thranduil looked at the wizard angrily, "Don't think you've already won!,"
"Well, we shall see,"Hadrian said wickedly, "When I have defeated you, I'll kill your son like I killed his mother. I let my orcs torture her and then... I released her from the pain by ripping her heart out and crush it!,"
"You monster!,"Legolas exclaimed
"Legolas, don't, he will kill you!,"Thranduil warned.
Hadrian smiled wickedly, "Let the battle begun!,"
And the knights started to attack the elves, Gimli and Aragorn.

"HADRIAN!,"A voice suddenly screamed.
And Hadrian looked up and saw Elora coming flying on a dragon.
And Starlight shot out her fire ice at Hadrian's army who quickly got burned or frozen into ice.

And Elora landed on the ground and got off Starlight, "You will not destroy the elves! I am The Queen of The Light Kingdom! The Last light elf! The Queen of Dragons!,"
And Hadrian looked at her angrily, "Your reign is over!,"
"My reign has just begun!"Elora said angrily. And she turned to Starlight,
"Starlight," And Starlight shot fire ice at Hadrian who disappeared in a dark cloud of smoke. And showed up behind Elora and shot her to the ground. And Starlight screamed and looked at the wizard angrily.

And Elora slowly stood up, when Hadrian grabbed her by the hair,
"You think you're so strong! But you're nothing but that servant girl you became to my son! The son you killed! And you will pay for it!,"
And he threw her to the ground and went over to her and took out a knife,
"By the last light elf it was done!,"
And he tried to stab her in the heart, but Elora grabbed his arm with the knife in.
And Hadrian looked at her angrily. And suddenly, Elora stabbed him in the stomach with her knife, "And by the last light elf it's undone,"
And Hadrian looked at her painfully and let his knife to the ground.
And Starlight looked at her Queen.
And Thranduil looked down.

Hadrian quickly moved away from Elora as he felt the light magic from Elora that she had used as she stabbed him started to destroy him from the inside. And his body was growing older. And Elora squatted down a bit away from him, "You can't have my heart as your revenge,"
And Hadrian looked at her before he turned into dust and disappeared.

Elora turned to Starlight who smiled at her,
"You did the right thing, My Queen. But evil will always exist in the shadows. But we can always find happiness in the light that glows. Hadrian was just one of many enemies of yours. I'm proud of you,"
Elora smiled, "Was that a 'thank you'?,"
"It was indeed,"Starlight smiled.
And she turned to fly away,
"Wait! Are you going to leave me so soon?,"Elora asked confused.
Starlight turned to her, "My quest with you is over for now. But yours has just begun. Don't worry, Princess. We'll see each-other sooner than you think,"
And Elora felt tears started streaming down her cheeks and put her hand on Starlight's forehead.
"Do not cry, My Queen,"Starlight smiled, "I'll be back with you soon. And I will come when you need me," And Elora tried to hold back her from crying more tears. And Starlight flew away.

And Legolas put his arm around his sister's shoulder, "She will come back, Elora. Right now, you must also focus on your own life,"
And Elora smiled,"You're right,"
And Legolas hugged her tightly.

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