Moth marcy AU

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Art is not mine and belongs to rightful owner. Ok so I don't know what Marcy would really be like if she was a moth human thing so let's just say she can't talk but still can do things like write. Also this : will mean that it's written on something.
"Hey Marbles you ok?" Anne said after knocking on the door. When she got no response Anne opened the door. "W-what happened?!". Anne was shocked when she saw Marcy but she looked a lot more like a moth. Marcy walked up to her still not talking but had a note pad in her hand and was writing something down. :Potion gone wrong: was written on the note pad. :so you can't talk?". " I guess not probably because moths can't talk:. "you look adorable as a moth". Marcy blushed :shut up:

They both walked out of the fwagon and into the house so they can eat breakfast. "is that Marcy?" the Plantar family said in unison. " yea apparently it was a potion gone wrong". Marcy was staring at the mushroom light. "Marmar get over here so you don't blind yourself". Marcy was still staring at the light so Anne had to walk over there and drag Marcy away from the mushroom light. The Plantars were silent with shock but they went on with there daily routine like they normally would.
      "So she still can write but can't talk ?" Sprig asked Anne. "Yup she still can write, and act like she normally would but at the same time acts like a moth it's pretty confusing". : I think we need to see Maddie:. " your right she would know what to do, hopefully ". "Well then let's go see Maddie!" Anne had to grab Marcy's hand so she wouldn't get distracted by anything and walk away.
      Maddie said she would make the cure but it would take a while since she was missing a couple ingredients. So Marcy and Anne were hanging out in Anne's makeshift room. Both were dozing off since they had a tiring morning. Marcy was still kinda distracted by the light but Anne was talking to her and keeping her focused on Her so she wouldn't get herself blinded.
       It was later in the day Anne and Marcy were walking around town mainly so Marcy wouldn't stare at the mushroom lights. When a frog bumped into Anne, Marcy almost instantly covered Anne with one of her wings seeing if she was ok.

     "I swear I'm ok" Anne promise Marcy. " hey Anne I got the cure for Marcy" Maddie ran up to them with a potion in her hand. " just drink this and you'll be back to normal in no time" Maddie kind of sounded like a sales person while saying that. "Thank you Maddie" Anne said. Maddie walked away and Marcy drank the potion. After a few minutes Marcy turned back to normal. Anne and Marcy walked back home together having a conversation that doesn't involve a note pad.
         So I know the placement of each thing that happened seems pretty random but I'm writing this late at night so what else would you expect I just quickly put this together in an hour.

Word count - 536

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