Cat AU part 1

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Art is not mine and belongs to sourbeefio on Twitter. Ok so before I start actually writing this shout out to wy4ttandfern for the idea
It was a average morning Marcy waking up early, Hoppop making breakfast Sprig and Polly playing, and Anne sleeping in. But when Anne got up and looked in the mirror something was different she had fluffy ears, fluffy tail, and cat like eyes. She was shocked and ran upstairs. "Woah what happened Anne?" Marcy sounded a bit concerned. "I have no clue actually I just woke up like this". "Interesting maybe it was some kind of plant or maybe a potion" Marcy started mumbling on about what could have caused this. " well I guess for now I'm a cat". "I'll try figuring out what caused this but for now you want to get breakfast?". "Of course I want breakfast let's go".

Anne and Marcy both went to the kitchen to get something to eat. "So you just woke up like this?" Sprig questioned. "Yup". "Isn't she adorable though!" Marcy said. Anne blushed at Marcy. "Uh I guess". " hey Anne do you want to go for a walk and find some ingredient I think I might have figured out a cure" Marcy said enthusiastic. "Uh s-sure".

   After a bit Anne and Marcy had finished there breakfast. "Can I take a quick nap before we go?" Anne yawned. "Of course this must be a side effect". " *yawn* your coming with me though" Anne stated and started dragging Marcy with her. "Huh what why?!" Marcy was blushing like crazy. "Cuz I wanna cuddle and your the only one that I can really do that with" Anne sounded pretty tired. Marcy was still blushing like crazy. "I-um ok".

  Anne and Marcy were now in Anne's room. Anne laid down on her new bed and dragged Marcy down to her wrapping her arms around the flustered girl forcing her into the crook of Anne's neck. "A-Anne how long is this nap going to be?" Marcy was flustered by her friends actions. "Not long" Anne yawned again closing her eyes. Marcy started to feel sleepy slowly losing consciousness.

   A hour later Anne started to wake up Marcy still sleeping in her arms. Anne looked down and saw Marcy sleeping peacefully in her arms. Anne blushed when she remembered what happened. "A-Anne?". "Hmm?". "C-Can we go for that walk now?" Marcy was a blushing mess. "O-of course let's go". Marcy and Anne got up and left on a path through the forest. " so we need a few things actually but we should find them all on this path". "I'm just glad there's a cure I don't want to be tired all the time" Anne yawned again. " i don't mind the cuddling part though" Marcy whispered just loud enough to be heard. Anne blushed "I don't mind the cuddling part either". Marcy started blushing too. "W-well come on we better find these ingredients".

   After a while they found all the ingredients. " so if I'm correct this should work 24 hours after you drink it" Marcy stated. " and then you won't be a cat anymore". Marcy gave Anne the potion Anne quickly drank it. " gross" Anne said in disgust sticking her tongue out. " it may be gross but at least you'll be back to normal tomorrow". "Your right at least I'll be back to normal". Anne got lost in Marcy's bright brown eyes. Marcy soon met her gaze but when Anne noticed Marcy staring back she quickly turned her gaze on something else.
So I know it was kind of a weird ending even though there's going to be a another part but yea I'll update this again tomorrow hopefully.
Word count - 624

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