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So someone requested a hurt/comfort I don't remember who it was hopefully this is good idk how well I can write a hurt/comfort.

Anne knocked on her girlfriend's door. Marcy's mother answered "Marcy's in her room" she blankly said. "Okay thank you Mrs. Wu!" Anne said. Anne took her shoes off at the door and hurried to Marcy's room. Anne knocked on Marcy's door. "Come in" marcy said her voice creaky(I hope you know what I mean by that). Anne opened the door to see marcy quickly trying to wipe her tears away.

   Anne quickly closed the door behind her and rushed over to marcy. "What happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Anne said as she hugged marcy. "Anne I- I'm fine really" Marcy said as she tried to stop her tears from falling to no success. Anne wiped away Marcy's tears. "I know that's a lie you don't have to tell me but I'm here if you want to talk". "Can we just cuddle for a bit?" Marcy whispered just loud enough for Anne to hear. "Of course we can"

   Anne hugged marcy as marcy cried she didn't know why marcy was sad but she was happy to be some sort of comfort.
Sorry it's so short I might make something similar in the future with more to it but yeah have a good day/afternoon/night!
Word count - 243

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