Valentines day

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Sorry no art today I'm trying to switch over to drawing the stuff myself so I won't have to use others work.
Ring ring ring.... "Hello?" Anne said when she answered the phone. "Hi! Are you still coming to the park?" Marcy asked enthusiastically. "Of course I am Mar-Mar! I'll see you there in 5 minutes!" Anne said rushing to grab all her stuff to head out. Anne got all her stuff in her backpack and ran out of the house towards the park.

(4 minutes later) "hey Mar-Mar!!" Anne yelled from a distanced still running. "Hi Anna-Banana! Happy va-" Marcy was interrupted by Anne running right into her and hugging her. A good amount of people stopped and stared at them as they fell down. "Happy Valentine's Day Marcy"Anne whispered as not to drag even more attention from anyone else. "Happy Valentine's Day" marcy said giggling at Anne. Anne stood up and helped Marcy up.

"Oh! Hang on I got something for you" Anne grabbed her bag and grabbed a stuffed bear that held a heart saying "I love you". Marcy grabbed the bear and hugged Anne again not wanting to let go which she eventually did so she can get Anne's gift. Marcy grabbed a card, stuffed fox and handed it to Anne. Anne read the card and instantly hugged Marcy dropping the card. "Of course I'll be your girlfriend" Anne said still hugging Marcy with a smile on her face. Marcy blushed and laughed happy Anne said yes.

(A hour later) Marcy and Anne were sitting on a bench talking. "So do you know what Sasha is doing this valentines?". "Yeah she said someone asked her to be her valentine and she said yes so she's hanging out with whoever that was". " ah that makes sense" Marcy said. "Mhm". Anne laid her head on Marcy's shoulder, Marcy blushed. "I love you I hope you know that" Anne said tiredly blushing a bit. "I love you too Anne"
So uh yeah hope you enjoyed this I hope to get more stories out soon but I can't make any promises to anything soon just to let you know I'm still excepting requests I just can't promise anything soon. I'm working on a hurt/comfort I don't remember who asked for one but I know someone did so yeah that'll probably be the next story out. Also sorry this isn't to long I never really cared to much about Valentine's Day but I figured I should make this anyways. Have a great day/evening/night!!

Word count - 431

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