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Okay so I've gotten some comments that I do not like getting they either made me uncomfortable or they are just really rude. So I was just that if you are going to be hating on something your comment will be deleted even if someone in the comments said something that is wrong that comment will get deleted anyways so you don't have to say anything about it you can report the comment but I can promise you the comment will be deleted anyways. And now onto the next part if your saying something about nsfw stuff or requesting nsfw/smutt one shots just don't I am a minor and the characters I write about are minors and even with aged up aus still shouldnt be sexualized at all. I have gotten messages on this app asking about nsfw and I just really want to make that clear I've also gotten comments that I had to delete or the one I kept up just so people could see my reply to that comment ( that one was saying that Sasha was a bitch and I personally don't like comments on things like that even if they are fictional characters). So please, please don't say anything like the things I've just listed it either makes people uncomfortable or can start a argument.

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