Chapter 15

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Everyone is completely silent as they all look up to stare at me and Thomas after the girl passed out again. How did she know our names? Have we met before? I certainly don't remember that, and when I look at Thomas, he has the same expression as me; completely confused and shocked.

"Still think I'm overreacting?" I hear Gally say, but I ignore him, fighting the urge to punch his stupid face again. I look back down as a couple of guys help Newt get the girl out and take her to the Homestead. The other boys leave murmuring to each other, and I'm left standing there wondering what the hell just happened.


While I'm walking around the Glade for a bit, my mind instantly goes back to the girl. She did look familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it to see why she does.

I shake it off and head for Newt's hut. I open the door when I get there and close it behind me. He's not back yet, probably talking to Clint and Jeff to see about the girl. I sigh as I lay on the bed, and stare at the ceiling, thinking about something else. How did the Griever die by staring at me? And the scar on my arm and the bump on my forehead, how could something like that heal so quickly? Maybe there's something wrong with me.., but I feel perfectly fine.

As I think about my family more, the more pain burns in my chest. I want them back, my parents and Georgie. Innocent, young, and loving Georgie. I can't help but giggle when I compare him to Chuck. They truly do look alike, the same rosy, chubby cheeks, wild imagination, and their laugh and smile.

Before all of this happened, my life looked so much simpler and I was free. But now, it's complicated that I was sent to a Maze with a bunch of boys (and now another girl), and I'm totally lost at the things that are only happening to me. If I continue to lay here, I think I might go insane. I quickly sit up, bring my knees to my chest, and cover my head with my hands, breathing in and out. They took me away from them, the people who sent us all here. They took me away from my family! If I ever do get the chance to meet those fuckers, I won't bother to send an arrow at each of their cold hearts.

Are they all right? My family? The thought of them injured or killed makes my heart stop and I can feel tears pouring down my face. They're out there, somewhere, alive and well! Once we find a way out, we'll all be free and back with our families, and I'll be reunited with mine. I'll finally tell Newt that I love him, I'll meet his parents, introduce him to mine, and introduce Chuck to Georgie. Yes, I can see it more Glade. No more Maze. No more being trapped from the outside world. Freedom. Waking up and getting ready for school. Waving to Georgie and Chuck as they head off to a bus stop. Walking to the front doors of my school, and smiling at everyone from the Glade. Even at Alby, who will be okay, and he'll smile back at me with proud eyes. Hanging out with Thomas and Minho in the library and the cafeteria during lunch. But most of all, seeing Newt during class, winking and smirking at me. Surprising me by wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me at my locker. Hangouts after school, parties, picnics, birthdays, camping trips where we tell old tales of how we all got our memories erased from our minds and were sent to a maze for no reason at all......

"Mavis," a voice interrupts my daydreams, and I look up to see Newt right beside me with his hand on my shoulder. "Oh, hey, Newt." I say, wiping my tears away. "What's wrong?" His voice is full of concern.
"N-Nothing. Now that I've gotten my memories back..., I feel--" I begin, feeling more tears coming. "Homesick?" Newt says, wrapping his arms around me. "Yes." I sob into his chest. "I want to go home, Newt. They need me as much as I need them." I sound like a little kid now. "You will. We all will, I promise." He says as he strokes my hair and kisses the top of my head. "But, it feels like I won't go home. And, Newt, I can almost hear my mom weeping for me, my father arranging a search party for me, and my brother, oh God, poor Georgie, he must be worried sick about me,"

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