Chapter 11 - The Battle of Geonosis

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So much for a diplomatic solution. Padme only hopes the Separatists are truly aware that what they're about to do is very likely to spark a war between them and the Republic, exactly what she's been hoping to avoid for years. As she and Ahsoka were going through the factory, they had been attacked by the Geonosians and quickly captured. Hopefully Kitster will be smart enough to stay out of this.

The natives chain her and Ahsoka, taking them into a wagon which slowly rolls out into a large arena where they are to be executed. Large balconies surround the arena, full of Geonosians excited to watch the show. Padme can't even begin to understand how someone could find pleasure from something like this. Obi-Wan is already chained to one of the four poles in the center of the expanse.

"I was beginning to wonder if you got my message," Obi-Wan quips as they're lead over to two of the poles. Padme quickly slips a pick-lock out to her sleeve -- the bugs hadn't noticed it when they searched her because it was so tiny -- and sticks it into her mouth to use as soon as she has the opportunity.

"I retransmitted it," Ahsoka chirps. "Then we decided to come rescue you. Again."

"Good job," he retorts, pointedly looking up at the chains on wrists.

On the fanciest balcony on the far side of the arena, Padme spots Dooku, Gunray, the leader of the Geonosians -- Poggle, and several others walking up to their positions. They, unsurprisingly, have the best view. Poggle says something in Geonosian, and the crowd goes wild. Across from them, three gates slide open, one by one, and creatures are lead out -- a nexu, reek, and acklay. In the meanwhile, Padme busies herself with getting the chains off her wrists. The Jedi can defend themselves, but she has no such means without being free of the pole.

"Hope you're all ready to become monster fodder," Ahsoka says humorlessly as the Geonosians lead the creatures towards the prisoners.

Padme forces herself to stay calm -- or tries to -- as the nexu heads for her. She finally gets the other handcuff off her wrist, and then uses the chain to start climbing the pole. It's the best she can do in a situation like this.

The reek reaches Ahsoka first. She flips into the air, landing on its back as it rams into the post, while the acklay tries to attack Obi-Wan, blindly hitting at the post with its claws until it falls over, freeing Obi-Wan in the process.

The nexu stops below Padme's post growling up at her before it starts to climb up the side. She swings the chain, hitting it across the head. It slides a few feet down the pole, but scrambles back up again, slashing it's clawed foot across her back. She jerks back with a cry of pain, swinging off the top of the pole and kicking the beast hard. It falls back to the sand, and she quickly pulls herself back up to the top again so she'll be safe.

Just then, the reek, with Ahsoka now riding it, charges across the arena, trampling the Nexu into the sand. "Want a lift?" she calls, looking up.

Padme nods, jumping off the pole, landing on the reek behind the Togruta. Avoiding the blinding charging acklay, Obi-Wan runs over, climbing on behind them. At least they're free from the poles with only one charging monster left since they're riding the other, but Padme is still pretty sure the ordeal has only just begun.

She suddenly hears a far too familiar clanking of droids, just as six destroyers roll into view, shifting into firing position on all sides.


Ahsoka looks around grimly. It's hardly the first time she's been so close death, but she doesn't see any way out now. And Padme and Obi-Wan will die with her. She may be the Chosen One, but that doesn't mean she's invincible. She knows this. And she won't be able to save them, either.

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