Chapter 55 - The End of Everything

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Author's Note: Things... are changing. For everyone. And that may not always be a good thing...

Did I mean that to sound ominous? Yes. Yes I did. :)

~ Amina Gila

Anakin knows something's wrong, even if he can't place what. He's accustomed to feelings like this, but something about this is stronger, more distinctive.

Alarm bells go off instantly when he sees Ahsoka's unusually tight expression, when she arrives for the celebration. "Anakin, I need to tell you something," she says.

Fear tightens inside him. "What is it?"

"The mission with Ferus," she replies, "Kalifa was killed."


He feels frozen, like her words came from far aware. Of course, he knows that his friends could die any day constantly, but usually, it's only the clones who are lost. Not that it hurts any less, but there's a part of him that always knows that one day, one of them will probably be... gone.

He's...never been that close with another Jedi before, except for her and her friends, and she's – she's dead. It feels unreal. He doesn't want to believe it. "How?" Anakin asks, faintly.

Ahsoka touches his shoulder, comfortingly, even if it's only a fleeting help. Not that there's much she could do that would help. It wouldn't change that Kalifa is gone. He can't imagine how hard this is going to hit Jinx and O'mer.

"The Council ordered us to leave the slaves we were trying to free, and focus on the Separatists instead – because the people weren't our interest," she replies, anger slipping into her voice, "We split up our forces because they were insistent. She... was lost, when Ferus was leading the attack by himself."

Anakin doesn't know how to feel to that, or what to say. He can't believe she could be gone.

"I'm sorry," she adds, squeezing his shoulder, gently, "But we need to go. There's a celebration to attend."

He still feels faint and mostly out of it, as he follows her to where everyone else is gathered. But he can't enjoy any of this anymore, even if he's obviously glad the people of Onderon have their planet back.

"Anakin? Ahsoka?" a voice asks, sounding surprised, and he looks up to see Lux approaching, followed by Mina.

"You're here?" Ahsoka asks, surprised, "I thought you supported the Separatists."

"Things are different now in the Senate, with Komari in charge," Mina interjects, "I do not believe in the Republic any longer, but Komari is not the legitimate leader of the CIS. We never elected her. Matters are... changing."


Anakin should've expected that. Of course, some people on the other side wouldn't be happy with the change, when it's not what they wanted.

"Understandable," Ahsoka replies, "It's good to have you here."

"Nice to see you again, not as enemies," Lux offers, "I never thought we would be on the same side."

"I did not, either," Anakin admits. He doesn't want to talk, or be around anyone right now, except... maybe the other padawans. He needs to talk to them. But he hasn't seen Lux in a long time, and it is nice to see him again.

"I heard the king was considering aligning with the Republic," Ahsoka points out, obviously feeling for where they stand on the issue.

"To avoid an occupation again, it may be necessary, but that doesn't mean I believe in the system," Mina replies, "I don't believe there is hope to save it."

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