Chapter 24 - The Blue Shadow Virus

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Many thanks to loldelegate on who has been giving us advice and suggestions for this fic! We never could have made so many unique plans without you! :D

~ Amina Gila

"General Kenobi, Ahsoka, we're so glad you made it," Captain Typho – the head of Senator Amidala's guard – declares, stepping forward to greet them as they, followed by Anakin, step off the ramp of the shuttle.

Ahsoka frowns instantly. "Where's Senator Amidala?"

"Shesa went looking for the lab," explains Representative Binks. There's another Gungan with them too, along with an astromech droid.

"By herself?" Obi-Wan queries.

"She took Kitster with her," Typho responds.

"And you let them go alone?" Ahsoka demands, worry creeping into her tone.

"You know how she can be when she's made up her mind," the Captain points out.

Ahsoka huffs.

"This is Peppi Bow," he declares, "She was the last person to see them. Padme sent her here to safety."

"Theysa looking for the sick-maker," the Gungan exclaims. Sick maker. Quite a title. Anakin keeps any amusement to himself.

"Go with the Gungan," Obi-Wan instructs, turning to Anakin, "See if you can find them."

"You can take the astromech with you," Typho adds, "It could come in handy."

"I'm on it," Anakin replies, heading off. The droid rolls after him, beeping cheerfully, letting him know that it's number is R2-D2.

Even if they're dealing with the fate of possibly the entire planet, Anakin can't help but admire the sunset, as the golden light streams in between the towering trees. It takes time to find them, but Anakin and Artoo finally track the Senator to where she last was on the surface.

They all crouch behind a tree, watching as one of the sensors pops up out of the ground, scanning the area before disappearing again. "I'm pretty sure they're inside the lab," Anakin tells them, "The whole area is wired with pressure sensors, so there no way to get in without detection."

"Do not attempt to get inside," Obi-Wan instructs, "You need to go detonate a bunker bomb at the south end of the facility, as a diversion. We'll come through the hatches while the droids are busy with you."

"You can count on me, Master," Anakin promises.

"Cody will be there shortly," he adds.

"Good luck," Ahsoka calls, before the connection breaks.

Well, time to get to work.

It's completely dark out now, as Anakin lifts the explosive he has with the Force, maneuvering it into the right spot above the ground. The moment the next few motion sensors rise up out of the ground, he drops it, and then dodges behind the nearest tree trunk.

A deafening, blinding explosion rings out, momentarily lighting up the forest around them. Right on cue, a shuttle flies overhead, and clones start dropping out of it, down into the hole Anakin blew into the facility.

"Stay here and don't get hurt," Anakin tells the Gungan before he ignites his lightsabers, running forwards and leaping into the hole after the clones. He only hopes she'll listen.

Battle droids are already stalking down the hall towards them, shooting. Anakin swings his lightsabers up to deflect away the first few shots, and then charges forwards, slashing through the droids. The clones are shooting from behind him, letting him cover for them.

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