Chapter 27 - Battle of Felucia

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Author's Note: Many thanks to loldelegate on who has been giving us advice and suggestions for this fic! We never could have made so many unique plans without you! :D Also, this is basically a collab between all of us at this point, because we're sharing detailed ideas and plans. Lol.

~ Amina Gila

It's more relieving than it probably should be to heading back out to the battlefield again. Anakin is so used to the constant action now, he hardly knows how to live without it. Maybe he doesn't mind an occasional break, but he's always eager to be back.

"It's not going to be an easy battle," Cody says, looking between the others.

"The trees should give you more cover," Anakin offers, attempting to be optimistic. Felucia is... one of the more major planets that neither side will stop fighting for, and the Republic is not doing well there right now. Aayla is still down on the surface, but the other Jedi who was there was just killed, and they badly need reinforcements. Hopefully, the squadrons from the 212th and 501st who are going there will be enough.

"They'll also be a good place for droids to hide," Cody states grimly.

"That's what we're here for."

Their conversation is interrupted when Obi-Wan approaches, calling Anakin away to talk him privately.

"I spoke to the Council," Obi-Wan begins, and Anakin shifts uncomfortably. It has to do with that again, doesn't it. His master doesn't seem annoyed at him, but he does seem grumpy about something. That's pretty normal, though.

"They are... concerned about Ahsoka's most recent actions, and I am, too."

Well, Anakin knows that already, so there's obviously something else he's getting at.

"They want someone to keep an eye on her, see if she's up to anything else."

Anakin blinks, the words slowly settling in. They really doesn't trust Ahsoka, apparently. He knew it was serious, but he didn't realize it was this bad. What he doesn't understand is why there's so much distance between them. Obi-Wan wouldn't be bringing this up, unless... "You want me to... what?" he asks. Spy on her? Well 'spy' would be the wrong term because that implies she is up to something else – she probably is, knowing her – and he doesn't know that for certain.

"You're already close to her. You can keep an eye on her, and let me know about anything... significant."

They want him to use friendship with Ahsoka to spy on her? Use the fact that she trusts him to report on her? That's –

He's pretty sure Obi-Wan can see the reluctance written all over his face, since his master reaches out, briefly resting a hand on his shoulder. "It's for her own good, as well, Anakin," he says gently, "She is... not on a good path, and we can't help her if we don't know what she's doing."

Unease runs through him. For Obi-Wan to tell him that so openly, it's obvious the Council is very suspicious of her, for whatever reason. (Is it really that surprising?)

It makes it a little better, but only a little, that they might also be doing this to try and help her. He'd still be using their friendship, and... He's not really being asked though, is he? It's an order more than anything else. At the same time, if she is doing something that could hurt her in the long run, he can't stand by and do nothing when he could've helped her. And he has to admit that she has been... arrogant, in a way. He doesn't know what to do, and there's not anyone he can ask.

"I'll do it, Master," Anakin concedes at last. If nothing else, he can first see if there is anything that he needs to tell Obi-Wan in the first place.

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