Broken hearted

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The school bell rings and I rush out the door before anyone even has a chance to gather their things, I rush across the grass and into the tree line making my way closer and closer to the human part of town, I live on the very outskirts of the pack so I attend the human school ,as my Father puts it I'm basically human, too weak to be with the wolves'.

He tells everyone it's for my safety but in reality it's because he cant stand the sight of me, I look too much like my mother so he doesn't want to be near me too often as the pain of losing his mate is too much especially seen as it's my fault he lost her or so he says. One good thing about being so far from the pack though is Peter, he is the oldest wolf in our pack and lives close to the human border too and he is the only other pack member I am allowed to socialize with, He's more of a father to me then my actual father, I'm his little gabby Abbi as I rarely shut up around him. The other good thing is at least I don't get beaten, it's enough to be forgotten all the time, I feel so small and insignificant, almost like I blend in with the shadows.

It's funny when you think about it really, being the Alpha's daughter you'd think I'd get special treatment and be one of the strongest in the pack but instead I get forgotten more often then not and I can't even shift, not anymore anyway, don't get me wrong I do have a wolf, I can feel her pressing on the edges of my mind, but I haven't been able to communicate with her since my only shift at eleven. I pushed my thoughts of my wolf to the side as I raced through the familiar red gate that leads to Peter's front door, I always looked forward to his stories, stories of my pack and his original pack that his nephew is now the Alpha of, traditionally the females' normally move pack when they find their mate but Peter and Agnes had done it different and Peter moved packs, which I was thankful for otherwise I wouldn't have this great man in my life right now.

I don't bother knocking just walking in like I normally do and a sense of unease washed over me, I hadn't even made it out of the hall and I can tell that something wasn't right, I gingerly made my way into the sitting room, he was sat in his favorite chair meaning his back was facing me, and even with my humanlike senses I could tell his heart beat was week, I dropped my bag and rushed round to face him dropping to my knees, I gently nudged him in the hopes that he was just sleeping.

"wake up Pete" the tears were already falling, "please wake up"

I panicked unsure of what to do, I couldn't mind link the pack doctor as my wolf is dormant so instead I fumbled with his phone book and rushed to the kitchen phone to call the Alpha's office, it just kept ringing, I gave up after three tries and left a message to say Pete was unresponsive so I was calling an ambulance to the human hospital, I just prayed that they could help him, but my prayers went unanswered because the paramedics arrived just as Peter stopped breathing.

My whole world came crumbling down around me, I was kneeling in front of him for god knows how long sobbing about the loss of my only friend, my only family!

"Get up girl"

My eye's shot up to meet my fathers hard stare, I scrambled to my feet, "yes Alpha"

"Get home Gail" he turned his back and spoke to his Beta who gave me the pity look he always reserved for me and the paramedics watched as I scuttled past to grab my bag and darted out of the door.

As I made my way back home and to my room I collapsed onto my bed face first and cried myself to sleep.

I woke to my alarm blaring at 4am, groggily and with sore eyes from all my crying I quickly showered and rushed to the kitchen to make breakfast for Alpha, I had it all set out just the way he liked it with fresh coffee and orange juice on hand for him to choose, by the time he came down to the kitchen the coffee was getting cold, he walked straight past me grabbed a piece of toast ignoring his bacon and eggs and went straight out the door, just a normal start to the day for me I guess.

The next few weeks passed in a blur, I cried myself to sleep every night, I woke to make Alpha's breakfast and everyone pretending like I don't exist. Alpha didn't even tell me that the date for Peter's funeral was set, I found the order of service sitting on the counter waiting for Alpha's approval, it's tomorrow which also so happens to be my eighteenth birthday. It's quite fitting really the day I finally get to be free is the day Peter will finally reunite with his mate.

As Alpha got home that night I waited in the hall for him to enter wringing my hands together with nerves.

He didn't look at me as he entered, "Al...Alpha" I cleared my throat, "do I have permission to attend Peter's funeral?"

He Didn't even look up just made his way up the stairs, "no" his voice was harsh and held the Alpha tone.

Just no, that was it, I should of expected it, no actually I did expect it but I'll be damned if he thinks I'll actually stay at home, he was my friend damn it I deserve the chance to say goodbye and then I'll finally leave this place forever!

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