The Seer

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Mika got slightly excited over my discovery and started listing books he needed to fetch to research the history of the rogue stars, I chuckled to myslef as his excitement reminded of that of a child.

His face suddenly dropped and he shared a look with Alex then Tobias' voice rang out clear in my head,

"All pack members, we will be housing refugees of the Castle pack, I ask that those of you who are able to, to bunk up with friends and family to allow us to house them better, anyone willing to give up their quarters are to report to your Gamma".

Mika gave me a soft smile and left while Alex started typing away furiously on his phone and the Mathew burst through the door.

"What's going on?", I turned to seth,

"Alpha wants us with you at all times due to the amount of unknown wolves that are now on pack territory", Mathew answered me.

I sished, "I can look after myslef you know", I rolled my eyes and Seth just chuckled at me.

He nudged my shoulder and pointed down to the map, "so Luna, what are you planning in that pretty little head of yours?".

He sure knew how to distract me, I glanced back down at the map, "the pattern hasn't been completed yet", I point to a spot on the map not too far from here, "they will attack here next, do we have the records of who and when they've attacked?",

Seth grabs a few philes from he desk and hands them to me, I start flicking through them and find what I'm looking for and I point back to the map, "what's here?",

"Erm... I think that's the Slate pack", Seth says as he taps his chin.

The door opens and Tobias' eyes find me straight away, I smile up at him as he strides into the room. Mathew is still stood by the door and Tobias turns to him with a raised eyebrow, Mathew just shrugs and moves closer to the door.

"Hey", I smile up at him,

"Hey", he chuckled lightly, "so", he takes a seat opposite me, "we have around 53 refugees mostly young and injured, Alpha Castle lost his life in the fight", he fidgeted in his seat which was unusual for him, "they have a seer in their pack",

Alex finally hung up the phone and came over to us, "a seer? You sure? I didn't think that seer's were still a thing",

My eyes snapped to him instantly, "what's a seer?", I know I sounded dumb I was a wolf for christ sake and yet I still didn't everything about our world.

"A seer is someone with the ability to see the future, though the future is always changing", Tobias answered my question.

I wanted to ask more questions but Tobias drew my attention away, "what are you working on here?", he pointed to the map and books,

"Oh right", I started going through the files again, "so I've figured out there's a pattern to the attacks and it's not the first time it has happened like this either",

Now it was his turn to look puzzled, I finally found what I was looking for, "we have about 6 days until they attack the Slate pack", everyone looked at me with bulging eyes and I sighed pushing the file towards them, "not only do the packs they attack form a pattern but the amount of time they leave between attacks is also a recurring pattern, we need to warn the Slate pack".

Tobias stood from his chair and pulled me to into his arms, "you are amazing you know that right?", he kissed the top of my head and I blushed deeply.

After discussing our options for close to an hour I left Tobias and Alex to plan the funeral for Alpha Castle and to contact the council of Alpha's to inform them of our findings, right now I was wondering to the dinning/cafeteria in hope's of finding a snack with both Seth and Alex at my side's.

"Seth", I heard Chelsea call out and we all turned to look at her, she didn't look happy to say the least.

"Alpha told me to report to you", she said through gritted teeth,

"Oh I know he did and your late", he turned from her and we all began walking again,

"You should probably get some rest Chelsea your shift starts at 10pm", he called over his shoulder, I swear I hard her growl.

He stopped suddenly and turned to her again, "I heard that, now are you going to disobey a direct order or are going to be a good little wolf and do your damn job?",

I had to fight to keep my giggle in.
We finally made it to the dinning room/cafeteria and as soon as we stepped all eyes turned to us, so many unfamiliar faces were staring at me, there were lots of whispers and pointing and I tried to ignore them as I made my way over to the serving trays, I picked some croissants and grabbed a few cartons of apple juice out the fridge before heading to the only available table left.

I sighed as I sat down and Seth and Mathew just stood behind me, "guy's just sit down you are making me feel awkward",

Seth ruffled my hair and sat next to me while Mathew hesitated before sitting opposite me, I pushed a juice box and croissant towards them and grinned when they didn't argue.

We were sat talking and just joking around when a little old lady suddenly appeared in front of us.

"Luna, I am Eliza seer of the Castle pack", she bowed lightly and I felt my cheeks heat with embarrassment,

"It's nice to meet you Eliza", I said softly, she reached for my hand and without realizing I instantly took a hold of her's.

"Your future is bright and you will do great things", her eyes were clouded over.

Keira pushed on my mind, "that's not creepy", I snorted at her comment in my head and snapped my attention back to the woman in front of me.

"Keep your mate close, you are stronger with him", she didn't even give me a chance to reply before she seemingly dissapered again.

"Didn't I already tell you that child?", Keira's voice sounded again,

"You did, but in a less creepy way", I agreed with my wolf.

No longer feeling comfortable around all the looks and whispers I decided to retreat back to the Alpha's quarters, Seth put his arm around me and pulled me into his side as we made our way out of the room, feeling my discomfort and I snuggled into his side, a few of the people gasped and the whispers got louder at that and I couldn't wait to be away from prying eyes.

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