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  It was pitch black when we left, we didn't want the council Alpha's to find out about where we are going so we told those who ere coming with us and Alex and Mika as they will be running the pack while we are gone.

I slide into the back of the SUV in between Seth and Tobias bringing the memories of when I first met them back to mind, Mathew was in the front and another warrior Caleb was driving. This was it, this was all of us, Tobiad wanted to take at least fifty of our best warriors but I had managed to talk himMy nerves started to kick in as we crossed the border of pack territory.

I snuggled in against Tobias causing a satisfied rumble in his chest and let the serenity of sleep take me into it's depths.

I felt the car come to a stop and a hand gently nudging me into wakefulness, blinking rapidly as the beans of sunlight glared on my face, I quickly glanced at the closk on the on dashboard, still early but clearly the sun had starte dto rise, with a sigh I slide out of the car stretching my back out as the position I slept in wasn't the best.

"We leave the car here, everyone shift", Tobias called out and I looked at him in alarm,

"How long will it take in human form?", I asked,

"About an hour, why?", he countered,

"I don't think it's a good idea to show up in wolf form they may mistake it for an act of aggression", I pulled my arms around me essentially hugging myslef,

"We will shift back when we are ten minutes out just to be safe", Tobias pulled dme into his arms instead.

Seth started handing out small bags for us to put our clothes in and u found a rather large bush to shift behind, quickly stuffing my clothes into the bag I let Keira push forward in my mind and take control shifting into wolf form, picking the small bag up with my teeth.

"Don't be so nervous child, our mate is with us everything will be fine", her voice chimed in my head,

I mentally shook myslef, "we got this", I replied with a new determination.

We all grouped up and got into formation, Tobais leading the group, me in the middle with Seth and Mathew either side of me and finally Caleb bringing up the rear.

"Over protective Alpha", I grumbled to Keira,

She giggle back in response, "he's looking after us, like a mate should", I scoffed at her response and focused on running keeping her near the front of my conscience should I need her.

We ran for nearly an hour following the route we had mapped out yesterday and finally we slowed to a walk.

"I can smell them, we shift here", Tobias' voice rang out through link,

I scuttled to nearest bush and change back to human form, quickly pulling my leggings and Tobias' t-shirt back on, I slipped my feet into my sneakers as I came back out to find the men just pulling their t-shirts on and I couldn't help but stare at the perfect lines of muscles on my mate, Seth cleared his throat and I shook my head ignoring the knowing look he was throwing my way. We continued on in the same formation as before following the scent of the rogue's.

A growl sounded to our left and all the men took a step closer to me as I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Three wolves came out of the trees and slowly stalked toward us with a low growl, the one in the middle changed forms without caring who was around.

"Of you value your lives you will leave now while you still can", his voice gravely,

"We came to speak to those who lead you", Tobias let out some of his Alpha tone causing the two still in wolf form to wince,

"We do not follow orders from anyone", the man looked unfazed, "now leave before we make you leave",

Tobias growled in warning and I placed my hand on his lower back causing him to turn hit attention to me, his eyes softened but he still shook his head at me.

I held his gaze and using our link I said the only thing I could think of, "trust me".

He looked conflicted and then finally his shoulders relaxed and he reached out to take my hand bringing me forward so that I was somewhat standing in front of him yet still at his side,

"We mean you no harm", my voice strong as I let a little bit of my Luna tone lace it,

The smaller of the two wolves immediately bowed to me and the man stood looking at me in confusion until his eye's widened in fear and aw, they had clearly used mind link,

"I thought when a wolf becomes a rogue they can longer link", Seth's shocked voice bought me out of my daze,

The man smirked before kneeling in front of me, "Luna", he breathed out, "please follow us", he shifted back to wolf form and headed away from us stopping to make sure we were following.

We walked for a further ten minutes or so until we finally came upon an abandoned mansion, it looked neglected with the paint chipping away and the shutters for the windows either hanging on one hinge or simply lying on the floor. I felt sad knowing that they were living like this.

As we approached the weather worn front doors they burst open with around a dozen people spilling out from them, a young man around the same age as me made his way through the middle of them with a shit eating grin on his face.

"Thank the goddess", he said then held out his hand to me, "it's nice to meet you Luna, I'm Rone, Alpha of the rogue's",

I quircked an eyebrow at him and reached out to take his hand as Tobias growled lowly and pulled me closer into his side.

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