Stepping up

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Shopping took most of the morning and I was exhausted, I felt guilt about spending Tobias' money but Sophie kept encouraging me, of course Alex had told her everything so she knew I was actually her luna and it felt nice to finally have another woman to talk to.

We made our way to a small diner in the town for an early lunch, it was nice yet little outdated, we settled in our seats with our bags at our feet just as our waitress came ove ro take our order,

"Hi I'm Chelsea what can I get... oh it's you", I looked up into the disappointed face of Chelsea,

"Chelsea", Sophie gasped at her,
She just shrugged like it was no big deal, she eventually took our orders and when it came time for the bill she looked at the card I gave and raised her eyebrow at me,

"Did you steal Alphas card?", she whisper shouted,

"Don't be absurd Chelsea", Sophie whisper shouted back.

I found it quite amusing that she thought so low of me and laughed it off, but Sophie was still seething when we got back to the pack house,

"Meet you in an hour for a run?", she asked as she helped me place my many bags in my empty room,

"Is shopping not enough?", I mock fainted on my bed, "you are trying to kill aren't you", she giggled as she shit the door.

I didn't even bother putting away the clothes I'd bought, instead I just dropped the bags in the closet and changed into my work out clothes, feeling slightly more energetic then I should, a small niggling feeling was eating away at me.

The mate bond had intensified when I joined the pack and with Tobias so far away I felt lonely all of a sudden, so I decided on heading to the training ground stop warm up whilst waiting for Sophie.

"Let's see what you've got", sophie's voice called to me,

"How many laps we doing?", I asked as she got closer,

"Cross country, we are going to run the border of pack lands", my mouth gasped open slightly but we soon found ourselves in a comfortable rhythm running next to each other, I slowed my pace so as not to leave her behind or trip up and break my neck. The niggling feeling grew deeper and my wolf seemed to be on high alert, I slowed my pace and turned to Sophie,

"I think we should go back something doesn't feel right", just as I finished saying it a bunch of wolves circled us growling lowly, Sophie's eyes widened in fear and I could feel the power coming off of a few of the wolves, they were rogue's every of them, we couldn't move, we couldn't escape and  there wasn't enough room to shift, not that I could anyway, there was no way out so instead we complied as they hearded us back to the training grounds, where we found Alex and most of the pack members in both wolf and human forms circled by nearly a hundred rogues.

My eyes darted to Alex and he sighed in relief as he took in Sophie's form next to me,

"What do you want?", his voice was filled authority,

"Well I want to challenge your Alpha but it seems he isn't even here, so I guess I'll have to challenge you", a large man with scars all along his arms and down the right side of his face answered as he made his way to the front of the rogues,

Keira growled at him and his eye's snapped to me,

"What's your name beautiful?", he asked coming to stand in front of me, I gulped up at him as Sophie clung to my arm,

"Abbi", I said through gritted teeth,

"Abbi what?", he smirked at me eyeing Sophie's hand around my arm,

"Knight", I stood straighter and glared back him, I heard a few people gasp and murmur behind me. He turned his back on me and went to stand in front of Alex instead,

"I Perry Green challenge you Beta for your title and rights to this pack", he seemed rather calm and casual about it,

Alex looked to Sophie with wide eye's
And Perry turned to the rest of the pack,

"The only people who can accept the challenge instead of the Beta is the Alpha and Luna and right now it doesn't look like you have either so be prepared for a change in management", he smirked at Alex and Keira pushed on my mind,

"Challenge him child", she was calm, too calm,

"Wait what? You said it's not safe to shift", I was a little panicked by her suggestion, "besides I've only trained in human form",

"You are ready, we are ready, I will guide you, challenge him!", it was a command and for some stupid reason I agreed with a sigh causing the mans gaze to snap back to me,

"Abbi, don't", Alex's voice sounded strained with concern, I looked to him,

"I have to", I smiled at him sadly, and stepped towards Perry, "I Abbi Knight Luna of the Knight pack accept your challenge", the murmers and gasps from before sounded again only a little louder and the mans eyes widened.

"An unmarked Luna, well this should be interesting, I'll try not to hurt you too badly", the way he looked at me sent a shiver up my spine.

I looked to the pack members gathered, a few were stood staring at me wide eyed while some were already bearing their necks in acknowledgment of me being their Luna, I felt eyes boring into the side of my head and turned to see Chelsea still in her waitress uniform glaring at me with anger and astonishment.

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