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Demyx blushes ten shades of red and walks into the closet, not once looking at you. You follow him, and when the door closes, you conjure light into your hair and see him leaning against the opposite wall. "Demyx? Is something wrong?" you ask, and put your hand on his shoulder. "Nothing", he mutters, and you bite your lip so you wouldn't squee at his cuteness. "Let me guess", you say, smiling. "You don't want to kiss me, because it would be your first kiss, right?" Demyx blushes even deeper shade of red. "N-no! I want to kiss you, but... yeah..." You blush too, and lean closer to him. "Let me show you how you do it", you whisper, before timidly kissing him. He tenses, but relaxes soon, wrapping his arms around your waist. You lick his lower lip and he opens his mouth just a little bit. You slip your tongue into his mouth, tasting him, and he realizes to do the same back, making you both shudder. Suddenly the door opens and Axel and Marluxia "Aww" at you two. "Way to go, Demyx!" Axel laughs. "I never thought you'd kiss a girl!" You both blush and Demyx mutters something like "Shut up." before leading you out. You sit next to him, earring a "Good going, girl" wink from Larxene as you lean against him.

Org XIII: 7 minutes in Nobody's HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now