Chapter 2

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Mentions of attempted sexual assault. Read at you own risk.

Tomura knew that Dabi had to have been misconducting his own thoughts in the wrong words because the man he'd come to care so much for would never have said those things to him. Maybe the idea of starting over again scared Dabi so he went on the defensive and said things he didn't mean. Or maybe the casual lovemaking and weekly trauma bonding was enough to please the man. Maybe that's all he wanted out of Tomura, and he was just getting in his head that their was more to their relationship then there really was. After all, they've never even used the 'l word'

Whatever the matter was, he'd deal with it later. Right now he just needed to clear his head. Take a walk and calm his nerves. Dabi can sit an feel what its like to wait for now. Maybe it would give him a little insight into the worry Tomura feels daily.

It was that thought that made him stop in his tracks. He did not want Dabi to feel the way he felt. This whole thing started because he wanted Dabi to never feel the fear that he felt.

He took a moment to take in his surroundings. He seemed to be in a vacant fountain park. The kind of park made by underpaid workers for the pleasure of overpaid assholes. It didn't seem to be very populated, aside from the sound of passing cars on the other side of a fence and wall of trees.

He sighed, knowing he has no fucking clue where he was. He had been lost in his thoughts that he hadn't been paying attention. Instead of continuing along, or turning back, he strolled along a gravel path to his left further into the park until he found a bench to rest on. By his guess, it had only been an hour or two since he left the hideout. The sun had just finished setting and the atmosphere around him was eliminated by the golden glow of lamp posts along the paths. The air was moist with incoming rain, and he could smell the flowers on the chilled evening breeze.

It was an oddly surreal experience, to just stop and take a breath like this. Especially after a stressful lovers quarrel. It was a peaceful break from the closed-in brick of the hideout.

The peace was interrupted when Tomura heard the distant cry of a woman. He didn't hear her words, just the sound of her voice. Then there was the demanding shout of a man, and he definitely heard his words.

"Keep quiet, bitch!"

Now, as a criminal who has spent the last year hunting teenagers, he's not really one to judge the actions of others. However, there are two lines he refuses to cross: child abuse, for obvious reasons, and rape.

So instead of looking the other way like he normally did when he came across a mugging or even a murder, he stood and strode in the direction of the cries.

Upon arrival, he saw two men, one holding a woman to the ground as the other begun to undo his belt. And upon closer inspection, he instantly recognized the woman from Dabi's crumpled photo he kept in his coat pocket. His little sister Fuyumi. Crying out for help, tears streaming, and she kicked and screamed.

A knot twisted in Tomura and he lifted his hand to remove his glove. Now, what kind of brother in law would he be if he didn't help his little sister out?

"Now now, gentlemen is that any way to treat a young lady?" He purred in fury. Stepping closer, into the light of the lamp post.

"Stay back, man! I'll shoot you dead!" The man with his belt undone stood and held a gun up to Tomura's face.

"Help." Fuyumi sobbed against the other man, who looked like he had just shat himself.

"You heard me, old man? Get lost!"

"Old? Do I really look that old?" he peeked over to Fuyumi and the other thug who watched him like a hawk. "Honestly? I'm only twenty." He shrugged.

"Nobody cares, scarface! I won't tell you again!" He shook the gun at Tomura, scowling down the barrel.

"Oh please, like I haven't heard that one before." Tomura lifted his hand and gripped the barrel, pinky up, dragging it closer. "Do it, pussy."

"What?" The man gasped out, trembling from the nerve. This old freak was crazy.

"I'm trying to be generous and give you the first move, take the offer." Tomura glared into the man's silver eyes. They blinked, once, twice, and Tomura decided he was done playing with his food. So to speak.

Without another word, he dropped his pinky to the gun and watched the panic spread across both the men.

"He's crazy!" The second shouted, standing to give his pal back up.

The moment the man's hands left Fuyumi's body she stood and ran the direction Tomura came from, towards the main road. He had just enough time to watch over his shoulder to make sure she got away before there was a loud ring and his stomach suddenly felt warmer. The second man had a gun as well it seemed.

"How unfortunate." He held his gloved hand to the wound on his abdomen and reached for the man's throat with the other. "Now, drop the gun and go, before your pal gets it." His voice rumbled with vice.

"Dude, this bastard isn't worth it!" The first perv cried. "Shoot him and let's go get the girl!"

"Over here, guys!" Fuyumi's voice quakes in Tomura's ears. No, why the hell would she come back and make all of this a worthless effort?

"Stop right there! This is the police!" a voice boomed.

Oh, that's why. Tomura pulled away and dropped to his knees, gripping at his agonizing wound. The world became a blur as he felt hands on his shoulders.

An echoing voice called to him, "Look at me, please. Keep your eyes open!"

Fuyumi. He opened his eyes to see his hands in his lap, must not have had the strength to keep them up. Her fragile, shaking hand reached down to his.

"Don't." He practically begged. He was in no state to edit his actions. "I'll kill you, " his voices cracked to a stop for a moment. "Please, Fuyumi, don't."

And then there was black.

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