Chapter 4

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When Tomura had not returned to the hideout after four hours was when Dabi stood and began pacing. After seven hours was when he was preparing to go out and look for him to bring him home.

Kurogiri had advised him otherwise, "He is plenty capable of looking out for himself for a couple of hours. Give him space, he'll return sooner or later."

"No word to you or anyone in seven hours?" Dabi had protested. It had sparked a feud between the two men. Both angry with each other actions regarding Tomura, yet still somehow at the same side of the fence.

It wasn't until noon the following day that television that had not been turned off since Dabi and toga return, had spouted news coverage of Tomura's arrest.

"Leader of the League of Villians, Tomura Shigaraki, was contained and brought into custody last night after he was shot. Witnesses report that he had attacked a young woman, two bystanders, one who had a gun on him, defended the women before police arrived on the scene." A woman on the screen spoke confidently.

"That doesn't make sense!" Toga cried as she and twice crowded the couch to watch the tv. "Shiggy is always telling me not to attack random people, so why would he go off and do it himself?"

Dabi stared at the screen in horror as his worst fears came to pass. Endeavor.

"Last night I returned home to find that my daughter, Fuyumi, had been attacked by a lowly criminal." The bastard bosted. "She came out of the attack unscathed and healthy as ever!"

"Bullshit!" Dabi snapped. It was all starting to fall into place.

Tomura was as loyal to him as a golden retriever, he'd never go off and attack his dearest sister just because Dabi had upset him. Dabi knew he wouldn't pull a stunt like that, not after Tomura had said he wanted more for them.

This was Endeavors doing. He was taking away the last thing he had left.

Dabi would not let him win this time.

"Dabi? What's wrong?" Toga asked with a head tilt similar to a guilty puppy. Without a word, he stood grabbing his coat, and started for the door.

"And where are you off to?" Kurogiri called to him.

"To get my damn boyfriend back!" And with that, he was gone. The door had slammed and the room fell into silence.

"Their dating?" Twice questioned quietly.

Dabi had not bothered to cover his face, he did not want to hide from his father's gaze anymore. If it was going to happen, it might as well be now. No time like the present.

His walk to the Todoroki residence was a swift one, determination keeping his quick pace steady. It wasn't until he could see the house from down the road that his stride stuttered to a stop. It had been so long since he'd come here.

He'd visit Nastuo's school, the store Fuyumi worked, and watched Shoto while he ran errands. Even watched his mother through the window of her hospital room. But he had refused to come back to this house, to his living hell.

He still remembered the days where Little Shoto would crawl into his room at night after their father had left for patrols and their mother had gone to bed. He had spent those hours holding the child, easing him to sleep. Most of those nights Fuyumi and Natsuo would join them as Toya would read Shoto a story.

Those were the times he wanted to tell them how he planned to leave, how he wanted to ask them to come along. Those were the nights he thinks back to when his heart achs with hiraeth.

When had he lost his mind enough to leave them behind like that? When had it come back to him enough to regret it so greatly? He knows when; it doesn't take much thinking to know when he had started feeling things like that again. The night he had held Tomura, done for him what he used to do for his precious baby siblings. When he finally had admitted to himself that he loved the man and he had begun considering a domestic life again. It was a nice daydream to keep the dark thoughts at bay. But when Tomura had voiced his desire for the same thing, it had become too real.

He was not made for that sort of thing. He did not trust himself to not screw it up.

Maybe he won't have that sort of family with Tomura, but at the very least, he'll get him back. Even if it meant facing endeavor before he planned.

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