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  Roy's home life was never as happy or good as one would expect for a child his age.  Both parents neglectful in favor for his older sister and brother.  Had an uncle who his parents would trust with Roy til their Graves, who would do some rather disturbing things to Roy.  He was bullied at school a lot and didn't have many friends.  He had two whom he loved both dearly, yet both Ross and Robert weren't enough to help Roy's every deteriorating mental state.
The town Roy lived in was famous for the unusual.  From cults, to eldritch gods of everything, it had it ALL.  Including a mountain nearby said to hold the entire monster race, Mount Ebott. 
Mount Ebott was also famous for the amount of children who had gone missing on it.  7, only ever 7, they all were around his age, all had awful home lives like himself, yet all disappearing at different times.  Roy had decided, today was the day to make that missing child count 8.
Roy had some of his things packed, two sets of clothes, a few things of food, water bottles, and his hat with a radiant orange heart on it.  His oldest sister, Cassandra, who had him to travel, said it stood for Bravery.  He didn't care however.  Roy only had one thing on his mind, freedom.  He texted one last "Goodbye" to Ross and Robert who had no idea what was going to happen.
Roy had left for Mount Ebott.  Starting to climb at the base at the stroke of midnight. He had gotten close to the top by sunrise.   He was so close to the top he could almost taste his freedo- oh he tripped!  He's falling down a hole!  "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" And with a thunderous thud he hit the bottom of the hole.  "Where did my bag go?"  Roy had asked himself.
He wasn't hurt, surprisingly, he still had his hat, but where did his bag go?
"I dunno pal, look like it got stuck on that branch waaaaaaaaay up there!"  Roy looked up, there it was, his bag, stuck on a branch that was far out of his reach.  "Great, just, great.  Thanks for pointing that out to me I guess-"  Roy turned around, "AAA! WHAT ARE YOU?" Roy screamed at this thing.  It was a flower with a face!
"Golly, a bit rude, don't you think?  Anyways, Howdy!  I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!"  The flower had spoke in a cheery tune.

Roy as Frisk AU (Undertale x Spooky Month Crossover AU)Where stories live. Discover now