Chapter 3: You're Gonna Go Far, Kid

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"Mark?" called Beverly, looking around vigorously with her blonde hair whipping along with her. "Beverly!" shouted Mark back, himself looking around. They couldn't see each other, due to the endless darkness. "Where are you?" Mark called into the darkness, trying to feel for some person around him, yet he failed. "I don't know!" called Beverly. Suddenly, a blinding light shined down on Mark and Beverly, causing them to smile at each other. They sprinted towards each other and embraced with each other.

Just before their lips met, Beverly woke up from someone vigorously shaking her shoulders. "Wake up, dirtbag," slurred her already drunk mother, wearing her usual red silk robe, and her "Miss Love" eye mask over her red curly hair. Beverly groaned, and for this, Mrs. Love smacked her arm. Hard. This made Beverly jolt up, and stare groggily at her scowling mother. Her mother drunkenly stumbled out of the teenagers room, which Beverly is soon grateful for.

She slowly got out of bed, the images from her dream flashing before her, as she picked out some clothes for the day. Pair of black high tops, a baggy Fall Out Boy  band tee, a pair of ripped skinny jeans, and a denim jacket to match. She sighed, collecting her bracelets to cover her scars on her wrists, and quickly made her way down the stairs before getting a brutal beating from her mother.

Sighing in relief, she suddenly spotted Iris on the street, kissing her gay boyfriend passionately. And, in this case, he's technically bisexual. She sighed more heavily this time, and grabbed her skateboard, and skid down the sidewalk. Stopping for a blonde girl, she slowly found another colored paper heart taped to a old, tall spruce tree.

"God," she said annoyed. She quickly peeled it off the tree, and flips it over.

You're mine.

More shivers go down Beverly's back, then she quickly shoved the heart in her backpack. Finally arriving to her school, Beverly readied herself for hell, hell and more hell. The usual, falling asleep in class three times, getting thrown in detention four times, and getting hit on by gross jocks that aren't even that hot were the usuals. 

As Beverly sat slowly onto a picnic table seat, her head throbbing with irritation. She didn't realize how aggravating her day could be. She slowly began to massage her temples, attempting to ease her pounding headache. Suddenly, a loud, obnoxious squeal was heard from behind Beverly. "Hey, slut!" called the mocking voice, making Beverly narrow her eyes in annoyance. She almost instantly recognized that very high-pitched, fake voice. 

Lisa Schwartz. 

Of course, Beverly was aware that Lisa was addressing her when she had called her a slut, so she turned her blonde head slightly. "Waiting for your little boyfriend to save you, huh, emo whore?" Beverly immediately pushed herself up from her seat, and whipped around to face the smirking Lisa, her arms crossed over her cheerleader outfit. "You should watch what you say, Lisa," advised Beverly, averting her eyes from the mocking eye contact of which Lisa acquired.  

As anticipated, Lisa burst out in laughter. Apparently what Beverly had said was hysterical. "You're kidding!" giggled Lisa, motioning her followers behind her to burst out laughing as she herself had did. "Beverly Love, the biggest emo slut in Los Angeles High is saying me, Lisa Schwartz, to watch what I say!" She raised her voice as she continued her fit of laughter. She abruptly ceased laughing to growl at Beverly, "Please tell me that's a joke." 

Though Beverly was hurt emotionally, on the inside, she stood her ground. "Lisa, I have a question for you." Lisa didn't have a chance to answer Beverly's statement. "Why do you find satisfaction in hurting other's feelings?" The coldness and anger in Beverly's eyes caught Lisa off guard. Lisa scoffed, rolling her eyes to avoid Beverly's death glare. 

"Ha, because I can! Duh!" 

These words sounded rushed and uncertain from Lisa's lips, but she still kept up her sassy attitude. Beverly cocked a brow at the unsure blonde in front of her. "Oh, sweet, sweet Lisa," said Beverly, nearing Lisa slowly. Lisa flinched, and frowned deeply at the now smirking blonde. "I guess what they said about you is right." These words left everyone around Beverly and Lisa-- including Lisa-- dumbfounded. 

No one around Beverly and Lisa had any idea about what Beverly was going on about. Lisa frowned, not approving of what the girl in front of her was doing nor saying. Lisa didn't need to respond to Beverly's slyness. Every word she thought casted over her eyes. Her expression. "That you're just an inconsiderate," a step closer Beverly stepped into Lisa's face. "Self-centered," another. "Slutty bitch!" 

The very second Beverly finished her scolding of how much of a bitch Lisa is, she shoved her into a brick wall, clutching the cheerleader's uniform top that Lisa was wearing. Lisa had widened blue eyes, her amazed that Beverly even decided to stick up for herself. Even after all this time. "And if you fuck with me, or Mark once more, I'll make sure you'll pay, you little fuck." Beverly stepped away from the surprised Lisa, cracking her knuckles, and turning on her heel, walking her way out of the dead silent crowd. 

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