Chapter 4: Running Out Of Time

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Beverly was amazed that she had stuck up for herself... After all this time. 

And for an odd reason, she felt suddenly... Relieved that she did so. Why hadn't she done it earlier? The feeling of-- victory-- pulsed through Beverly's veins as she continued down the sidewalk. However, she wasn't going home today. I mean, her mother wouldn't really notice, since she was most likely out getting drunk out of her mind, so there wasn't necessarily a point of going back home for no real reason. 

As the blonde teenager passed her house, she walked on, heading towards the Los Angeles park, of which she spent most of her afternoons when her mother wasn't home. It seemed to be empty as usual when she arrived, so she just sat under a large, shady evergreen tree, and put her hands under her head. The soft breeze of the autumn day seemed to comfort Beverly's mood as she sighed happily to herself. 

It was odd, she didn't know why she was so tired. Before she could stop herself, she began to drift off to a peaceful, quiet sleep. 

Beverly was in English, a normal, boring as hell class. The usual. The blonde had her head laid against the desk, attempting not to fall asleep, and have the teacher yell at her about it later because of it. So as she kept trying not to fall asleep, a sudden slam made her head jolt right up. She looked everywhere, her large green eyes darting everywhere in alarm. As she finally found what she was causing all the commotion, her eyes widened. 

"M-Mark," she stuttered breathlessly, her body wanting to jump into his arms, but she fought the urge to do such an absurd, unnecessary thing. The dark haired male seemed to walk Beverly's direction, and he suddenly knelt in front of her desk. "Beverly." The way her name rolled off his tongue made her heart flutter like a butterfly in her chest. He placed a hand over hers, of which was clenching her jean jacket tightly. 

"I need you." 

The very moment these words left Mark's lips, her heart stopped. Dead. Beverly's eyes widened as Mark's soft brown eyes collided perfectly with her emerald green hues. As their lips suddenly met, it was like Beverly had floated up from the ground, and arose to heaven. The seven seconds that their lips were connected was pure bliss for Beverly, but as Mark broke the kiss, she immediately fell from cloud 9. 

He looked her in the eye, his thumb caressing her cheek, and the smallest smile fell onto Mark's lips as she longed to be in connection with him again. She missed the warmth of his lips on hers. "We will meet again," said Mark gently, his thumb still affectionately caressing Beverly's cheek. As their eyes met once again, Mark whispered, kissing Beverly's nose sweetly, "I promise." He suddenly disappeared, the blonde teenager cold and lost with out his warmth. 

The blonde suddenly awoke, her body sore, and the sky a raspberry pink and a tangerine orange. She sighed, herself slightly angry that it was a dream, but half of also her glad that it was only a dream. What would of she done if it was real? Would have she chased after him? Would have she just stayed there, completely dumbfounded, and lost? To be honest, Beverly had absolutely no idea what she would've done, but she didn't think that it was necessary to think about it if it wasn't real. 

As she shakily stood up, she checked the time on her wrist. 


It was a reasonable time to go home, she assumed, shrugging to herself as she picked up her backpack from beside her, and starting home. Was my dream... Accurate? Beverly began to think to herself, her desperate for an answer. Why did everything have to be so confusing for her? Why couldn't it just be... Easy?  The uneasy teenager sighed, arriving in front of her home, or, what she called home. 

She glanced towards the driveway, glad that the driveway was bare, no black colored cars in sight. As the female slowly walked up the brick-aligned path to the front door, she used her home key to unlock it. As soon as her high tops stepped through the door, she immediately locked the door behind her, and raced up the stairs. 

Beverly quickly sat herself in front of her computer, cracking her fingers, and began to type into Chrome, 'Mark Fischbach'. As soon as it loaded, her eyes widened. There he was. Millions of results came up, but one was the one. It showed a picture of him, smiling and all. As she read his biography, she sat back in her seat, completely in awe. 

"So he's a YouTuber huh?" she said aloud, the smallest smile on her face. "Then I can do something about that." 

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