[4] An Awkward Dinner Conversation

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As the exhausted ginger pulled out the chair from the dinner table, he'd instantly seat himself as he just wanted for things to be over with. Knowing he wasn't allowed to leave the table if he at least had a few bites of his food that Captain usually cooked. He just didn't feel hungry, his main emotions at the very moment were just nervous ones. 

I mean, a date with his own crush? He never knew such a big wish like that would come true anytime soon. 

Well, it's been years so it kind of wasn't soon. Just, what he meant by it was just he was shocked. Accidently blurting out his stupid thoughts but some how ended up getting Keith to get on the idea of going on a date too together.

It just, being the two of them. At a dinner, together.. 

How do you even talk to a single person during dinner? I mean, he already struggled enough to speak a sentence at times if he couldn't think any to his own fathers during dinner. Even though they were the only people who treated him with respect obviously since the two were his fathers after all.

Even if they weren't blood related, he still did not mind that as he still will forever find them as amazing parents. Well, sometimes. 

As Steve kindly handed him his plate of delicious spaghetti, he'd gaze at the plate as he was a bit, upset.. 

He'd always have those random moments where he felt as if he didn't deserve such loving parents, and a so called boyfriend now he supposed? I mean, the two never did ask each other out. Just, him simply asking like a total idiot if the two could go out on a date like nothing was wrong. 

Pico ran his slightly shaking finger tips against the silver fork that rested near the white plate of food. Gazing down at his dinner as he couldn't feel the need to even take a bite? Even if he hasn't eaten since this morning, he felt entirely stuffed? Even though he just stated he hasn't gotten food since breakfast. Soon realizing his own father Captain was staring him down as he'd gaze at his plate in annoyance. Soon questioning,

''Something wrong?'' Pico asked his dad, him simply replying,

''You hadn't even touched your food kiddo, of course something is up.'' 

Right off the bat, he was spotted. 

It was insanely hard to keep anything hidden under Captains palms as he'd always find a way to see what he was trying to hide. He was very over protective at times, which is understandable, but just wished he was given his own privacy at times as he felt as if he was being watched constantly. 

''Uhm, I- I don't know..'' Pico trembled with his sentence, not even knowing how to reply to his own father as Steve soon replied while jumping into the conversation,

''Pico, can we be serious for a moment with you?'' Steve questioned as he'd adjust his glasses as Pico felt his heart sink, knowing he was basically cornered at this point in the conversation. Lying either wasn't going to get him out of this too, it being obvious since he stutters a lot when in the process of lying. 

''Like- what exactly?'' Pico mumbled as he'd swirl his fork around the noodles, playing with his food basically.

''You should know kid,'' Captain replied as he took a bite of his food as he'd respond again while eating,

''you know yourself then I do probably.'' 

''𝗜 𝗵𝗶𝗴𝗵𝗹𝘆 𝗱𝗼𝘂𝗯𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝘁..'' He thought as again, he never got his own privacy a lot now in days. Even if he was in high school becoming an adult almost. 

As he'd place down his fork slowly, he didn't know what to say. I mean, it was simple. Just say he didn't know how to do dinner dates. But that was the serious main issue. He never explained his love interests due to how over protective Captain could be. Especially when he hated Keith's guts for some odd reason. The two always having to sometimes mainly hang out at his dorm due to the fact the two barley got any privacy because of him. 

Hell, even when Keith stayed for dinner it was insanely awkward. Probably why he developed a fear for his own dad. Even though in reality he was a guy who watches porn even though he's asexual.

What a guy..

''Well- I think I made a mistake, but at the same time it's not a mistake..?'' 

The gingers voice cracked as his entire face almost instantly flamed into redness as he knew he sounded like a total idiot by his words as they were quite confusing due to the fact they were out of context for the two. 

''I thought you said you didn't do weed?'' Captain teased as he soon finally gave up, blurting out his issue,

''I accidently asked Keith out to dinner and I don't know what to do.'' 

Silence grew as he sat, waiting for a responses in embarrassment as he knew his fathers hatred for Keith. His straight expression basically saying, ''I'm going to kill you for this.''

''Aw Pico,'' Steve responded lightly as he was thankfully the one to try and bring up the roof, usually sometimes him having no say in conversations. 

''why are you so afraid over it?'' As Steve tried brightening up the mood, his head slowly turned to Captains straight one. Seeming he was trying to process the situation as Steve was silently yelling at him with his dead expression to not fuck up the situation any further with his anger issues. 

''Uh, well, you- see...'' The ginger stuttering as he'd fidgeting with the tips of his fingers, his heart racing itself out of the blue by the intimidating conversation.

''Keith kind of- came out to me as being bisexual and well, I kind of just blurted out my thoughts like a total idiot because I was excited knowing I might of had a chance with him..''                          He explained as his heart shook side to side it felt like through out this entire situation honestly from how intimidating Captain could be at times. 

As an annoyed sigh escaped from Captains lips, he'd jump into the conversation once more as he knew Steve wasn't in the mood for him being stressed over their son and, who ever that fucking kid was. Kyle? 

''Look Pico,'' Captain called out his name in a serious tone of voice as the ginger gazed over at him, seeming he wasn't trying to kill him for once over Keith? 

''I really do not like who ever that Kyle dude is,'' He'd explain as he'd lay his fork down near his half finished plate. Him already forgetting Keith's name, how new. 

''but, I can see you like him a lot..'' He'd mumble with guilt slowly crushing his shoulders. Now realizing he's been so harsh on him with that Kyle dude, it being obvious Pico had a crush on him which set him off annoyed. 

He's just never really liked the idea of his son dating, no matter what gender he liked, he still didn't agree on it even though Steve constantly spoke to him about calming down for once on it and that it'd just made Pico upset. He, wasn't wrong.. Being very right as he'd clear his throat.

''I'll allow it this time, got it?'' 

Pico blinked in shock as he'd open his mouth as he was ready to respond, but failed to as he was a bit shocked? But, knew he should obviously take this one in a time chance.

''Ye- yes dad.'' Pico stuttered as he'd gaze down at his dinner plate still full of food. Now, being hungry? Quite odd, seemingly not just a bit ago he wasn't in the mood to eat.

Maybe things were looking up for him after all? He badly felt as if he lost Keith, but was highly wrong of himself and soon realized thankfully. 

Pico now realizing, he shouldn't fear his mistakes.. Even though they could be quite scary? But, sometimes he can learn from them. Guessing he taught himself well this past week.

I guess his so called ''mistake'' was now turning into a real life dream of his since childhood.

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