[7] Soft Lips Against His.

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Pico with shaking arms and legs slowly but carefully made sure of his choices on where he climbed, gazing at the branches with clear eyes in hopes of them not being weak as he didn't wish to be in a life or death situation while being on a date. Keith on the other hand, wasn't being the smartest person quickly climbing from branch to branch as if he was some oblivious monkey. 

''Keith?!'' Pico called out while seeing him already up ahead.

''You're going to fall, knock it off will you?'' Pico yelled out as Keith only responded with childish giggles. 

''You worry too much,'' Keith shouted out as if the two were deaf. 

''I'll be fine! Now just be a good boy and climb up to the very top with me!''

''Huh-?!'' Pico shouted as his eyebrows went up in shock, his cheeks flaming up with a tinted pink as the nickname was easily getting to him. But, the fucking top of the tree-?!

''A- are you insane-?'' Pico shakingly shouted again with his dry cold throat, not daring to look down as he knew it'll only make his fear of heights even worse. 

Pico ever so slightly picking up his speed of climbing, he'd eventually catch up with Keith who also began to finally reached the top too, seating himself near one of the thick branches that held up just perfectly without any signs of it snapping. Having his two feet hanging at the sides as his two hands held onto the branch where he rested, his eyes gazing up at the full moon that glowed beautifully underneath the city they grew up in.

''Hmmp..'' Pico wailed while his body shook as if he ran more than a mile, finally too getting onto that same branch Keith sat near as he'd take a deep breathe for cold air to come inside of his body. Keith noticing this, he could tell the poor guy was over thinking things as usual as he'd slowly turning around carefully to face Pico.

''You good there? You're shaking..'' Keith stated the obvious as he'd slowly get closer in front of him, the ginger trying to ignore this as he'd stutter,

''Y- you know me and my f- fear of heights..'' Pico replied out of breath. 

''Aww, come on! How about we try and get you over that little fear?'' 

Keith tilted his head by the answer, smiling gently at him while he'd swing his legs slowly as Pico sat still like a frozen scaredy cat. 

''How, would that even work.. If this branch fucking breaks, we'll d-'' 

Before he could finish his panicking statement, Keith raised his one finger up against the gingers lips as Pico instantly got quiet. His heart thumping quickly just by the feeling of his soft finger against his lips, looking the other direction at the forest below them covered with snow. 

''Pico, relax.. Don't you get tired fearing things?'' The blue haired teenager questioned, Pico humming by his question as he didn't know how to answer it. I mean, he worried over small things on a daily basis now that he thought about it..

''I- I don't, know?'' 

As speechless as he was, he did how ever get told constantly by his own fathers that he worried too much. Cap even saying he's worse with freaking out than Steve, and Steve even agrees on his words too which makes the situation even more worse.. 


Keith gently called out his voice as Pico down in the dumps didn't know how to respond even by his name being called out. He wish he didn't have so much anxiety, but he couldn't help it. Ever since the incident with school, he couldn't help but fear it at times even though he knew he had to be strong and do his work in order to be successful. But, it's hard knowing you couldn't save the few innocent by standers who died in the situation. Worse, so many injured people that day. Pico too injuring his mental health painfully as he scarred himself. Like his entire childhood was swept under the rug so early for him to even process. 

Seasonal Passion (Pico x Boyfriend) FNFWhere stories live. Discover now