Chapter 25

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Izuku POV

Nezu gave us the okay to park in the employee parking since it would be closer than the front gate. He gave us a temporary code to get in and out of the gate with along with getting into the school. I'm seriously wondering why they are so okay with letting me in UA, especially after the last fiasco. Maybe it's because I helped them with their students and such? I don't know I really don't but even though I don't want to be here, the heroes here aren't that bad. Students are like crack headed teenagers until training comes along Hm idk. We arrived to UA and Kai put the code in, once we parked we got out. I miss my babies so much and it's only been a few hours. "Calm down baby, I miss them too but don't run in there like an angry mama wolf. You might scare them." Kai said grabbing my hand. I whimpered and nodded, I know he's right but I miss my babies. I managed to get to class 1-A only getting lost once... or twice. You'd think with how smart I am I'd be able to remember my way to class A but apparently not. After the second time Nezu called my phone and lead us to class A. I was embarrassed but thanked him none the less. I knocked on the door and instead of hearing a "come in" I heard "Go away problem child. I'm not ready to give up my grand kids yet." Kai and I laughed but I opened the door anyways. "We can wait until school is over if you'd like." Kai said and I looked at him surprised. "Oh please, at least he isn't running away with them like your dad did." Kai said making me laugh. "Yeah.. or when Dabi did the same thing and he ended up keeping them over night." I said giggling "wait what?" Dadzawa said. "Dabi was babysitting for us since we had a couple meetings back to back and when we went to pick them up Kurogiri made a portal for Dabi and Tenko and they ran away with my babies. So Izu looked at me then Kurogiri and said 'Fine if they want to keep them they can keep them over night but no one helps them' so they did. Tenko looked ready to pass out as Dabi looked like a happy father the next morning." Kai explained and I agreed. "Hari couldn't even keep the twins for 4 hours before we came to me crying. I guess they cried for 2 hours straight but never did with anyone else. They don't even cry with Rappa." I said and Kai agreed with me. "So how was everything?" I asked changing the subject. "They cried once and it was because Mic came in and slammed the door open but he didn't get a chance to yell." Dadzawa said and I nodded. "Other than that they were perfect." I giggled and seen that Kacchans and Shoto had the babies. "If you ever need a babysitter I'd be more than happy to watch them" Shoto said and Kacchan and a few others agreed. It surprised me but I nodded happily and said I'd let them know.

"Hey Kaminari?" I said after a few minutes of talking he looked at me "What's up?" "Have you ever thought of a different way to use your quirk?" Everyone looked at me weird "What do you mean?" "Instead of just trying to do what you do now have you ever thought of spreading it across your whole body? Like when you use your max instead of it just coming out of your hands you spreading it across your whole body could give you even more power and it might not kill your brain that way." Everyone looked dumb founded. "It could also help you with your school work, if you aren't frying your brain everytime you use your quirk your grades could come up. Since you're also the human version of Pikachu you might even be able to do some of his moves also." I said thinking out loud. "That. That is actually a smart idea." Dadzawa said. "Also you could get some support gear to help you out with it. I wonder if you could use *mutter mutter mutter*" "oh great he started this again." Kai said. "IZUKU!" He yelled and I snapped out of it. "My bad. You're coming with me and I'm training you." I said grabbing his hand and pulling him out the door. "You lead I don't know where you guys train" he nodded and we walked to a gym. "Okay, first do you have a shirt under your uniform?" I asked he nodded "Take off your uniform but leave the shirt on." He nodded and did that. "Okay, this may be a little difficult for you but I want you to listen to what I tell you." He nodded. "Close your eyes, take a deep breath then imagine your electricity all around your body on both inside and outside." I watched him close his eyes and a few seconds later he had yellow sparks around his whole body. "Great, now take another deep breath and focus on moving that electricity out to the sides" without him moving electricity flooded the floor around him and out of his sides. "Now give out your biggest attack but try not to aim it at me." After a few seconds there was a bright light and electricity flowed out everywhere missing me but I still felt it and got goosebumps. My jaw dropped as the electricity still swirled around him he opened his eyes and they were glowing. "Shut it off." I said still in shock. My mouth was still opened and he wasn't fried. "Did I do it? How'd I do?" He asked and I just blinked "Holy. I uh. Holy shit dude." Was all I could say. He looked confused and the doors opened up and they looked at us. "H-how the hell. I didn't expect you do actually be able to do it. HOLY SHIT KAMINARI YOU DID IT AND DIDN'T FRY YOUR BRAIN!" I yelled out full of excitement and shock. "I- I did it?" He asked surprised. "AND YOU CONTROLLED IT! You sent it around the whole gym but never touched me once! It v lined away from me! Holy shit dude!" I explained and everyone looked surprised. Kaminari ran and hugged me thanking me over and over I hugged him back but I didn't miss the growl from Kai. "I didn't think you would be able to do it right off the bat! But you did. Oh my god am I an amazing teacher or what!?" I yelled excitedly "Dude you are fucking amazing!!" He yelled as we jumped up and down like school girls. "Now we just need you to keep doing that and focus on your grades and you'll be even more amazing!" I cheered. The other students looked at me surprised. "You guys stand outside, I want Kaminari to do it again to show you!" I said and everyone moved outside Aizawa stayed up front to watch this "DO NOT LEAN AGAINST THE DOORS YOUR YOULL GET SHOCKED!" I yelled and I seen a few move away. I nodded at Kaminari "Remeber what I told you do." He nodded and stood where he was and closed his eyes. Within a few seconds electricity formed around him, went out from the sides and BAM! Bright ass light and electricity once again missed me and filled the gym. However, it seemed more powerful this time. He opened his eyes and they were glowing again as the electricity went out around him and his eyes went back to normal. "That was more powerful this time Kamianri!" I cheered and he looked excited. "Now, I want you to do it again but instead of spreading it try to form it into an electric ball and throw it opposite of me." I said and he nodded saying he will try. The ball formed and quickly flew to the Opposite side of the gym and it bursted into flames. "shit." I said acitivating my quirk controlling the flames before the spread out. I was able to put them to a mini flame "I can't put them out since I didn't make them!" I yelled focusing on the flames. Shoto came over and covered them with ice and they went out. "Well, that was amazing besides you throwing the ball at the damn electric box but I didn't even know it was there." I said and Kamianri looked down "I didn't know it was either or I would've throw it elsewhere." I nodded "It's all good! On the plus side you have another move but I wouldn't use it unless absolutely needed. That would kill someone or do a lot of unnecessary damage." I told him, Aizawa agreed he looked ready to ask me a question. "Before you even ask, no I will not be a teacher here. I'm too much of a quirk nerd and wanted to help him. He could be one of your best students if you heroes taught him how to control his quirk. Not saying anything bad about you but if Class 1-A is supposed to be the best of the first years you'd think with how much training you do you'd offer to help with their quirks. Nezu should be apart of that as well, I know damn well he analyzes quirks like myself, I may be better but that doesn't mean his quirk can't help him with it. I've already analyzed each and every student here but I never actually talked to them until today. I'm not trying to be rude but I'm not a hero, never will be a hero, best you get out of me is a vigilante. I don't mind helping quirks but I refuse to be a teacher, I have to much going on right now and having twins there is no way." I said and he raised an eyebrow but nodded. "I wasn't going to ask, Nezu probably would though. I was just going to ask if I could get them next Friday also." I giggled "It's up to Kai, I don't mind though." Everyone looked at Kai who flinched a little. "Sure." He said quickly and everyone got excited. "Well, we have to get going soon. Can we head back to I can gather their stuff?" I asked and the class nodded.

I let Shoto and Kacchan hold the babies until we needed to go. Shoto surprised me and put Takeo in his car seat but looked confused making me and Kai chuckle. I told him how to do it and he did it so carefully it made me giggle but I understand why. I mean.. I was the same way the first time I had to do it. Kai put the pack n play together and once we were done I put the diaper bag on and we said our goodbyes. I was happy to get out of UA, it's not the students but the whole school just makes me feel uncomfortable. Although I'm surprised the students aren't mad at me for killing All Might.. oh well. I just wanted to go home and cuddle my babies and Kai. I don't really care about anything else, I just want to snuggle with my babies. "What do you want to do when we get home babe?" "Snuggles." I immediately answered. "Oh okay, I'm not gonna complain about that." "Good because you didn't have a say so anyway, I was going to drag you to our bed and snuggle you anyways with our babies." He chuckled "Well I wouldn't complain anyways my love. Now I can't wait to get home." I agreed with him. The babies were fast asleep by the time we got home which upset me a little but it's okay I'm sure they will wake up when we get them out of their car seats to change them, I'm going to give them a bath anyways. "We're giving them a bath and putting them in pj's" I told Kai who agreed. I got a text but I didn't bother looking at it yet. We got to the nursery and I grabbed what I needed for my babies and headed to our room to give them a bath.

As Kai and I were giving them a bath Tenko and Dabi appeared "Hey Izu" they greeted making me jump a little "What the hell Tenko?" I said glaring at him "I texted you we were coming over" I sighed "Oh. I didn't read the text I was getting them ready for bath time. We were going to have cuddle time and Disney movies if you wanted to join." I said and Dabi immediately agreed. "It's been a while since we did that, but I want one of my nephews." I pouted "Fine, but can you guys get the towels ready?" I asked and they nodded they both held out a towel ready to take the twins. I gave Kaizu to Tenko and Kai gave Takeo to Dabi. Surprisingly they did everything, lotioned them, put their diapers on, brushed their hair, and got them dressed and swaddled in a blanket. Kai and I cleaned up the bathroom as they did that.

Their sleepers 🥺

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Their sleepers 🥺

Once we were all finished, we all piled onto my bed as I put on The Lion King 2. Half way through we had to feed the boys but Tenko and Dabi took care of that, sometimes I feel like they're gonna kidnap my kids again. After they ate it didn't take long for them to fall asleep luckily we kept the bigger pack in play in our room, Dabi and Tenko laid them in that and came back to our bed. By the end of the movie, all four of us were cuddled together and asleep.

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