Izuku Midoriya: Prologue

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It was Izuku Midoriya's fourth birthday and he was excited to discover what quirk he got.

"I can't wait to see what kind of quirk ill get!" Izuku said. "Hopefully it's Fire control then I'll be as strong as Kacchan!" He cheered.

Izuku was obsessed with quirks as he would inquire about any quirk he discovered. He was always a huge hero fan but all kids his age were pretty much the same.

He dreamed of becoming a hero, but fate had much different plans for him...

Inko drove the car to the clinic since Izuku's Father was always away for a reason.

After they arrived at the Tsubasa clinic. Inko and Izuku waited in the lobby. After they were called in, they were greeted by doctor Tsubasa, The grandfather of one of Katsuki's friends.

Inko and he stared at each other for a second, they were pretty much acquaintances after all.

"So, are you here for your quirk checkup?" Garaki asked.

"Yes, Izuku is" Inko sighed a little.

"Well then, come lay down on that bed Izuku, were going to do your quirk checkup" he replied.

They then through the normal procedures before doing a special checkup. Izuku was told to sit in the checkup room since Inko and Garaki needed to chat in private. They went to a room next door where Izuku wouldn't be able to hear anything.

"So how did it go?" Inko asked worriedly.

"It went fine except for the fact that he's quirkless" Garaki answered.

"He's What?!" Inko yelled.

Izuku heard a little but didn't think about it much.

"Don't worry being quirkless or having no superpower isn't that bad they are an important piece in saving humanity, after all," Tsubasa chuckled a little.

"Don't you dare turn him into one of your experiments" Inko said with all seriousness to the doctor. 

"I won't, Master would never allow such a thing to happen" Tsubasa.

" What should I Say and do? Doctor." 

"Tell him to never lose Hope and That he can be a 'hero' or something like that"

"Okay il try"

"Well, I'll go inform the staff now that the clinic is closing early today". Dr. Tsubasa made some preparations before a black sludge warped them and Izuku over to one of the many Strongholds of All for one.

They had been warped to where Hisashi was he was sitting in an office chair with many screens in front of him Inspecting everyone's every move. He had been expecting this visit. Izuku was very scared and confused about what was going on, he then asked his mom about it.

"m-mommy where are we?" he said stuttering.

"Don't worry baby we're just going to meet daddy" she said to try to calm him down.

"D-daddy? But I thought he worked abroad and away? Also, if that's so why is the doctor with us?" Izuku had so many questions. Inko tried to answer all of his many questions 

'Insert Walking in a monolithic hallway'

"Little Lord," A Gigantic figure said in the shadows.

"Ahh. Izuku, I've missed you so very much, come to father" all for one told Izuku

"Daddy! where have you been? why don't you ever come home for us?" Izuku said, reaching out to his dad.

"Well, my little Midoriya" all for one said. "There many bad people hunting me down so I must stay deep in the underground to stay safe from the bad men" He answered. "Now can you promise me you'll never become them?". "No, I would never! Why would you even think that" Izuku answered." Because many people I have helped never help me back Izuku".

All for one and Inko (a little) then explained everything, except for the fact that his dad was a villain and the number 1 villain at that. They told a bunch of half-truths to avoid the topic. After that Izuku then got told he was quirkless and had no special ability at all. He was dumbstruck by it. 

After some moments. 

All for one told them it was sadly time to go. But before Inko and Izuku left Izuku said something that touched All for One's Empty heard.

"I'll protect you dad, whatever happens, I'll save you from the bad people, I'll be your Hero," Izuku said his eyes filled with tears.

"And I'll protect you too Little Izuku, when the time is right, we'll meet again".

Izuku and Inko were warped back to the parking lot hearing home after experiencing such an eventful day.


All for one and his doctor discussed some things afterward.

"Why don't you let him be your successor? "He's your son and he's smarter, more observant, and cunning than that... Tomura Shigaraki, you adopted" Doctor Garaki said, questioning him.

"Don't worry Kyudai, I have plans for him and Tomura too, so just sit back develop the Nomus and watch the pieces fall in place and there's no way I'll let you tinker with him" all for one said.

The Doctor then didn't bother him anymore, he knew if all for one had a plan it was going to be a great one, and oh how great it went.

Back at the Midoriya household.

Izuku was watching the video of all might rescuing people, before Inko came into the room.

"Mom do you know when I'll meet papa again?" Izuku said flooding with tears.

"I am sorry Izuku, I am sorry for disappointing you..."." But I know one thing it doesn't matter if your Quirkless or not"

"You can be a Hero"

"And for everyone"


A/N: This is my first story. I will occasionally Improve previous chapters so the quality of the chapters may fluctuate.

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