90's Party? I Think Not!

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I was very out of place. Very. Around me was thirty adults two times my age, dancing. Dancing to ninety's style music with ninety's style moves. The worst part is that it is all at my house so, no matter where I go I can not escape this horrible noise! I was invited to a party, (I don't know why because popularity is my enemy) one hosted by a year nine. My parents did not approve, well actually they didn't do anything, I didn't even ask them. I knew what the answer would be. I would approach them and start to ask,

"Am I-"
"No." Is there rude reply. They don't give me a rude tone but it is a completely uninterested, I'm-not-even-listening-to-you tone, which, somehow seems even ruder. If I ever push them further, I walk away pained and limping. They don't care about me. I don't know why they don't give me away, I guess they don't want to look like bad parents. Even if I did get around to them, they would say that I am too young to be partying. I am fourteen and if they think I'm too young to go to the parties I want to, they should rethink that because I peeped out the window and someone showed up in a man-kini! So instead of going to the party I have locked myself in my room, with a packet of dry crackers and my book for the past hour. I plan to read my other book through the rest of the party aswell, if I can concentrate.
After another hour had passed I had finished my first book and was a third through my second one when I had a sudden burst of inspiration for a story that I had to write for my English homework. I leaped off my bed and fell to the floor after my leg gave out because I had been siting on it for so long. After getting myself up safely, I walked calmly over to my desk and started writing down ideas in my notepad. I started to write my story but each time I wrote something down I would lose my idea from the loud chattering outside my door and the pumping, loud music. Within a few minutes my bin was full of ruined lines and crumpled paper.
"Rrr!" I let out a frustrated growl through my teeth while I kicked my draws in anger. I slipped on a blue hoodie and my ugg boots before shoving my phone, my notebook, a pen and some crackers in my pocket. With a big heave I pulled my window open and switched my bedroom light off before making my exit. I sat on my window sill and swung my legs out of my window. I placed my feet on the grass outside my window and started limbo-style walking out of my bedroom, through my window. I pulled my curtains closed from outside and shut my window. Quietly, I walked along the side of the house and made it to the front gate easily. I jumped over the short and pointless fence effortlessly. After scanning the street for any creepy people lurking about, I walked down the footpath towards the park. When I arrived at the park I was surprised there was no one there drinking alcohol or trading drugs in the trees, I thanked my luck for that. Once when I had been taking my short cut there were some old men hanging around in the park. I took a risk and ducked into the bush as quickly as I could. I wasn't sure if many people knew about the short cut that I was about to take, but I was far happier if they didn't, it was my (WARNING! Cliche ahead!) quiet place. What was most shocking is that the place I was visiting was a beach. A small private one that belonged to the rich people of my quiet neighbourhood. Their house sat on a big hill overlooking the beach. My dreams were living in that house, looking over the calming waves and having such a luxurious house. I never came here during daytime, always at night so if the owners of the house did ever see me, they wouldn't be able to recognise who I am. I crawled through the bush and made it out on the other side with only a few cobwebs on my hair and clothes. I brushed them all away and walked forward on the soft sand. My heart melted and my worries whisked away at the sight in front of me. Even though I had been here many times it still had the same sigh-of-happiness feeling. I walked right up to the shore and let out a large sigh. Only for a few seconds could I escape the harsh realities of life.

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