Imperfect imperfections

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I had made it to the hallway; just a couple of steps away from my room when my dad spotted me. He squinted his eyes, thinking of just ignoring completely, but then he opened them widely and started to talk to me loudly,
"Megan why aren't you in your room?"
"I was-Uh, about to-" I started to reply only to be interrupted by my dad as usual.
"Did you leave the house?! Where did you go?! I demand an explanation at once!" He was stomping over to me with an evil glint in his eyes and a snarl on his lips, acting as though he actually cared where I was. (I was sure he just wanted a reason to hurt me) I looked up at him towering over me, his beer-stenched breath fanning on my face.
"I-I-" quickly I gained confidence to sound more powerful, "I went out!" I made a move to sneak past my dad but he quickly grabbed me with his arm and pushed me against the bookshelf. Anger filled up inside of me as I collided with the shelf.
"Don't push me." I said to him in an anger-filled yet calm voice.
"Go to your room, now Megan!" He snarled at me. I didn't move which earned my self another push, directed to my room but I didn't move my feet so I fell straight to the ground. My eyes held anger for my dad and I hoped he could see it.
"Get up!", he kicked my leg whilst yelling, "Get out of my sight!" I followed his orders. I got up went to the front door and left, I didn't look back. I didn't want to look back. Once I had walked around the corner I inspected my legs. They seemed to be fine, only one new bruise on my right leg. It was hard to spot as it blended in with quite a few more. I continued walking towards the beach, again. On my way there I thought about my parents, of course I would go back, just not for an hour or two. Even after everyone had left I'm sure they would still be drinking so I didn't want to hurry home. My parents were such ugly creatures. I call them ugly because of how they act, not look. Sometimes I wonder why I don't report them but then I remember all the threats my parents said. If I told...I don't even want to think about it. When I got near the beach I thought I saw a person sitting on one of the rocks but on closer inspection the rocks were bare. I sat down even closer to the shore then before, letting the waves brush against my runners and calves. With a sigh I let my back fall against the damp sand. I'd walked quite a bit in a short period of time, back and forth to the beach from my house, leaving me quite tired. The sky was clear meaning that it would be cold tonight but I didn't mind because the view was better than the consequences. The stars were a shiny white against a sea of navy blue. One star in the sky looked a little less shiny than the others and I spent a long time relating to it and telling myself how much I stand out. I almost laughed out loud at myself for relating to a star but my depressive thoughts took over. After I had the incident with Monica and her followers I went home to zero sympathy from my young parents who were used to seeing many bruises on my face and body. Sometimes I wonder why my parents don't give me away to an orphanage. They never have time for me. My mum is a home working masseuse but she only massages men, probably to flirt with them. My dad, to be honest I don't really know what he does some sort of trading that never seems to earn much money at all just like my mums job. So if I ever want something reward like I have to work for it myself and I don't mean work as in chores; I do them for free, I mean work as in go out and earn money for myself. I do things like washing people's dogs and taking them for walks. I was always jealous of other kids, they got pocket money and got to keep it to spend. Somehow most of the money I earn ends up in my parents' pocket's. Something broke the surface of the water, interrupting my pathetic, self-pitying thoughts. I couldn't tell what it was because it was too dark. I could make out the faint shape of something. It looked quite large but it's figure looked beautiful.
"Hello?" I called out to the beach. A large splash was heard as the figure dived into the water. After a few minutes of slight shock I recovered and somehow dived straight back into my lonely thoughts.
"I don't fit in this world!" I shouted out after thinking about how lonely I was. I had a careless family, although I wouldn't call them a family, no friends and something peculiar about me that drove everyone away from me.
"Maybe you should join another world then?" A raspy yet bubbly voice said to me, causing my heart to skip a beat.
"Who said that?!" I looked around in every direction searching for the source of the comforting voice.
"I did." There it was again. Before I could scramble away I felt the person-or whatever it was-grab my note book.
"Give that back!" I scrambled after the thing right into the ocean soaking my calves in the chilly water. I kept running after the thing, to busy thinking about all the precious words I had lost to notice that the thing had disappeared. I stopped and looked around. I was waist deep in the water and I could only just see the shore.
'This is going to be a cold walk home." I thought. Just as I started lifting my leg to start stomping through the water a grippy hand grabbed onto it and tugged really hard. I was pulled through the water taking a big gasp of air before my head was pulled down beneath the surface. Though my life seemed pointless I didn't want it to end.

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