A kick-off

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"Hey Meta Knight! You're supposed to be in the castle patrollin'!" Dedede shouted, running towards them.

He stopped on the spot when he saw the monument that had been built. King Dedede immediately questioned what it was,"What's that?"

"O-Oh, it's a monument we had built this morning.. In memory of the Star Warriors that'd sacrificed themselves for us to have easy lives.." Mayor Len nervously told him, pressing in index fingers together and hoping for the King approval.

"Yeah, and why does Meta Knight need to see it?" The King boomed, his loud voice like a crescendo.

All four of them facepalmed at the King's stupidity and ignorance. "Uh, he is a Star Warrior..?" Becca snickered.

"Sire, did you really not know that?" Meta Knight asked him.

Being humiliated like that was a bit of a pet peeve to the King and he wasn't tolerating insubordination from his so called loyal servants. "Of course I knew that, why wouldn't I know everything about my head knight?" He spat, his words being pronounced in a hateful way.

Maddie started to laugh uncontrollably,"Someone's on their period."

Her statement made them all laugh, even Meta Knight gave a slight chuckle. The King was now furious and about to murder the girls, until Kirby and Tiff came up to them.

"Hey Meta Knight! Hey Becca! Hey Maddie!" Tiff happily greeted as Kirby trailed along behind, waving madly.

Both of the humans gave a warm smile to the newcomer and showed off the new monument that had been built. "Wow, you've made a lot of progress since we last checked on ya, well done!" Tiff praised, as if she were their boss.

Kirby gave a Poyo of wonder and stared up at the king; his face was dark and he frowned spitefully.

"Is something wrong, Dedede?" The younger warrior asked.

However, the monarch was far from in the mood for speaking with someone. In fact, he wanted to go back home and cry under the covers.

As the others spoke, Dedede loudly cleared his throat to get their attention before loudly announcing,"I challenge Maddie Starstruck to a duel!"

Becca blinked idly and stared blankly at him,"A..a duel? You..and Maddie?"

With a straight face, Dedede nodded.

Kneeling down on one knee, Becca whispered to Meta Knight,"Can he..even hold a sword right?"

The masked swordsman shook his head in response and Becca could hardly stop herself from laughing aloud.

"Fine then, Dedede, we'll duel. But first, I have a question, why are you so bitter all of a sudden? Because we do something nice, you want to be horrible?" Maddie frowned.

Dedede scowled at her words,"Wording it like that makes me sound like the bad guy!"

Kirby and Mayor Len Blustergas stood there watching the argument go down. "Oh my, you don't think that the King has fallen head over heels for him, do you?" He anxiously questioned.

The child gave an uncertain shrug, Dedede did act strangely before and he was sure he could recall a dispute between Galacta Knight and him over his love.

"Oh deary me," Blustergas sighed,"I fear that this won't end too kindly.."

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