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The stars that littered the sky twinkled with curiosity. (Y/n), the third youngest of the group, stepped forwards and objected.

"Your Majestwat, you can't marry someone without their permission. That is illegal!" They protested.

The King's booming laughter drown out the disgusted shock the audience made audible. He sounded psychotic and mentally screwed up, as if he didn't care for what view his servants had for him now.

"Who are you to stop me?" He roared with a sinister tone in his voice,"I could do whatever I want and nobody, I repeat, nobody can stop me!"

Saffron found it her chance to intervene, even though her actions would disgust everyone there.

Creeping up behind the King, she held her baseball bat besides her ear and readied herself for the aftermath.

Squeezing her eyes shut, she made it quick so it would be less awkward. With a swift motion of her arm, she brought the bat forwards and hit Dedede across the back of the head with it. She could hear the sound of her weapon hit his skull.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw the horrified look of the crowd. Even Kirby, (Y/n), Bandana Waddle Dee and all that had wide eyes. Dedede laid in front of her, motionless on the ground and his blood splattered on her fishnets and boots. With the incriminating weapon still in her hands, she nervously smiled at the crowd to break the unnerving atmosphere formed.

Clearing her throat dominantly, she declared that what she had done had to have been done, otherwise the people of Dreamland would be continuously tortured by the tyrant.

"I shouldn't have done it the way I had, but I'd hate to see you suffer. After all, it seems my sisters have taken a liking to you." She told the groom, before jumping off the platform and making her way down the isle.

Confidently, she rested a hand on Galacta Knight's pauldron and whispered,"I'd take advantage of the situation. Compromise it and make it your special day."

With that, she gave (Y/n) a not so obvious wink before standing besides Becca and Maddie.

And so, after half an hour of discussing the matter at hand, they'd come to the conclusion that the two should 'borrow' the revenue from King Dedede. After all, there was supposed to be a wedding that day, so why waste the opportunity Dedede had unintentionally created for them? It was as if a hellish nightmare had become a blissful reality.


All of the guests were sat formally in their rows, eagerly awaiting the occasion to kick into full swing. Most of the heroes were sitting at the very front, so they could get the best view of all people present.

The music started and Meta waited on the platform for Galacta to walk down the isle. Considering their appearance, there wasn't much of an addition to them, aside from a black bow tie each.

(Y/n) was reduced to tears when Galacta made his way down the isle, so much had changed since the day they had met him. And now, he was getting married and it was all so emotional.

Both of them said their vows and the crowd cheered for them. Nobody dared to object or oppose the couple as they knew it wasn't just powerful swordsmen they were dealing with; a fair deal of other heroes were present so it would be a death wish.

There was a very upbeat and cheery feel to the situation, as if everything there were just a pleasant dream. (Y/n), despite being unbelievably optimistic, felt that something much darker was going on below the surface. Something..toying with them. Something..causing Dedede's sudden swing in attitude. Something..manipulating everything, including space and time itself.

Nonetheless, they shook off the thought and remained jolly, nothing could ruin that day for any of them, no matter how hard it tried to.

While the others chattered away with one another, (Y/n) couldn't help but have suspicions about the girl who intervened with it all. did she know to return and what to do?

(Y/n) was snapped back into reality when Bandana Waddle Dee offered to dance with them. It was an unexpected but polite gesture that took their mind off of the darker thoughts that lingered in their mind.

Once the wedding had ended, (Y/n) returned to the castle only to be haunted by the tortuous thoughts that a more sinister being was at hand that just made them feel uncomfortable. They weren't sure what it was bugging them, but they were sure that sleeping it off would help it all.


Not really.

(Y/n) closed their eyes in hope that they would be at ease and get some rest but something peculiar happened. Something unintended.

(Y/n) was sure they were asleep but their dream felt so realistic, as if they had woken up again.

They were still in their bed but their body felt heavy and more like a prison. When they found the motivation to move, they wandered over to the windows and the opened curtains that surrounded them. The night sky was a sea of black, like the void had filled the sky. Not a Star was in sight, making them worried.

Perhaps it's just a cloudy night?

(Y/n) turned around to go back to sleep but was met with a pair of emerald green eyes piercing through the darkness, staring directly through them.

They awoke startled, but reminded themself it was just a nightmare, and nothing would come from it. But, no matter how hard they tried to reassure themself it was fine, they just knew it wouldn't work and they would be forced to stay awake for the rest of the night, whether they liked it or not.

Eventually, (Y/n) managed to fall asleep without dreaming of anything at all.

And this is where our story actually does draw to a close. There will be a second book, though, and our heroes will go on another adventure. With faces new and old, they will have to face the threat at hand.

The reason why, was because people don't really read long af stories so oof, I guess. To make up for it, I'm releasing it the same day this chapter is released to give a bit of context.

See you in the new story!

- GalacticWarriorZero

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