CHAPTER 28- Out of her system

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My phone vibrates it was a message from Ken.

Ken: Dude Cady called Eve last night, she is ok, needs some time to clear her head

Kevin: where is she?

Ken: did not mention were

Kevin: Did she get the number?

Ken: Nope she called her at her home phone, no caller id

Kevin: What did she say?

Ken: needs to get you out of her system, what happened dude she seems broken? Why did you ignore her the whole morning??

My heart shattered when I read Ken's last message, "Get me out of her system?" We have not even started yet. I screamed on top of my lungs. I typed a message to Eve. "Please tell her I never meant to ignore her. I was trying to trace the anonymous text. I thought she was still sleeping, I love her Eva, I can't live without her". One whole day has passed, and we still cannot find her. Until I got a call in the middle of the night.

"Ms. Wilson arrived at her apartment sir, she's safe but she is still in her car. "Stay with her no matter what, follow her if she leaves' 'I hissed. I grab my keys and call Conrad "Cady is back at her apartment, I'm on my way" ok I'll wake up dad and Carlo." he said. I did not know how fast I was driving but when I arrived at her apartment she was still in her car. When she saw me, she ran to her apartment but did not go in when she opened the door. I ran after her and was about to hug her when I saw the horror in her face. Her place is totally trashed. Glasses everywhere, TV shattered, sofa was slashed. She was about to get in when I pulled her into an embrace and called the cops. The Wilsons arrived on time and were horrified when they saw her place. Conrad came to her room and grabbed her clothes but according to him even the bedroom was trashed as well. Clark grabbed her from my embrace and dragged her to her car. Carlo drove her car and I followed them. Clark and Conrad stayed and waited for the cops. I told them the security was stationed outside and did not notice anyone to come in, they went in probably after Conrad came here.

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