Chapter Twenty Two

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The silence was so comforting. The soft giggles of the cicadas could be heard from afar. The sweet and the gentle breeze of the forenoon air wrapped them in a calming state. The moon was still bright, hanging from up above and the stars were still twinkling - shiny, little dots connecting together. And then they were there, sitting beside each other on the pool side. There was no space between them and their wet bodies touched, melted into each other's feeling, and then there was an enigma of tenderness. The scene was so tender that the silence that they were having and the coldness lingering on their pool-dipped bodies didn't bother them both.

The blonde smiled at Sandra and the brunette did too. Their smiles felt like a hearth in the centre of the storm; it was a remedy to the coldness around the space. Their eyes sparkled like the stars, so beautiful and heart-warming. The jars of pain, self-loathing and regrets couldn't be found anymore, the crying hearts weren't weeping anymore, and their souls - those two souls that were lost away from home were walking back into the right path, once again. Despite a year and a few months of reckless decisions, those nights of pain and cursing each other's name, despite the distance and the wall that had been built, sometimes, there were things that could never be changed. Even time didn't actually cool their flame, instead, time made it burn and burn even brighter and even more intense than the last time.

Cate smiled at her, her eyes slowly patching the same old language that they used to say back then, "Hey..."

"Hey you." Sandra replied, doing the same gaze that the blonde was giving her.

"This night is just..."




Sandra laughed, "Magical."

Cate looked down at their feet dipped into the pool, she then started moving her feet in a child-like manner before she turned to the brunette again, "I hope this night will never end." She added softly.

"Well, every moment has to end." Sandra looked up at the dark starry skies, "Like how the night ends and begins in the morning. Like every story, everything in this world has to end."

"Like ours?"

Sandra turned to Cate. Her lips zipped, unable to move it. Cate was right. Like their story, everything has an end. Cate's voice was so soft that Sandra thought that those two words were delivered in a whisper. There was a huge longing in the way the blonde looked at her and somehow, her beating heart seemed to malfunction.

Sandra sighed, "Yeah." She whispered.

"What if I didn't walk out on you that night?"

Cate extracted herself away, with tears on her face, she said, "Just making sure you're real." And she then emptied the scotch from Sandra's glass, and when the glass was empty, she raised it up, "Baby, you look great tonight." She smiled, "You always do."

Sandra froze on the ground. Her mind begged her to say something, but her body betrayed her. She stood still, frozen on her spot with her lips still parted in shock. She stared at the blonde - completely blown away by the kiss. She didn't know what to feel - her feelings were mixed up and it was hard for her to think about to do. She didn't know long she stood there and stared at the blonde with her lips still open, but she knew that it was long. Long enough for the blonde to break the cruel silence between them.

"That? That kiss?" Cate started with her tears starting to fall again, "...would be our last. I'm sorry for everything that I did - for hurting you back, for not letting you explain, for being too shallow and for ruining the things between us even more." She wiped her face with her bare hands harshly before she looked at her once more, "I really thought that it's you and me until the end. I really thought that I would be waiting for you at the altar while I would watch you walk - hell I thought,.. I fucking thought we're unbreakable, that no matter how many storms would come our way, how many hurricanes would come breaking us down, it would still be us, but no, I was wrong." She bit her lip, "I don't know Sandra, I don't know. All I know is that I'm hurt and I know that this hurt..." She pointed her chest, "I know that this pain will never be gone if I choose to linger to the same place where I got this pain. Ironically speaking, I want to be healed by someone who broke me to pieces and that someone is you."

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