Chapter Forty Two

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"You have to pay for what you've done."

Cate managed to walk ahead of Sandra, who was crying and nodding to herself. Of course, the brunette was fully cognizant that the blonde had no choice. But she couldn't stomach the fact that Cate was ignoring her side.  She couldn't stop sobbing because she couldn't hear the words she wanted to hear from the woman she chose over everyone else. Sandra wiped her nose as she followed the blonde out of their hotel suite.

That night, the moon was at its brightest. The sky was filled with billions of stars, but the air was bitterly cold. Cate was already on the driver's seat of the rental car when Sandra arrived at the hotel parking lot. The blonde's eyes were red, her nose was swollen, and tears streamed down her cheeks as she gripped the steering wheel. Sandra sighed as she silently entered the car.

"Can you please tell me one more time that you still love me?" The brunette inquired, in a tone she knew she would never like in a million years.

Cate turned to face her as she heard Sandra's voice breaking as she spit those words. Sandra turned to face her, silently crying, but Cate looked down. What happened was too much for the blonde to bear. Far too much.

"Where..." Cate finally found her voice as she leaned her head on the steering wheel, "...where's the body?"

It took a few seconds before Sandra opened her lips to speak.

"I... I wrapped it with my sheet and then I..." The brunette paused as her tears flooded down, her own self could barely speak the atrocious act that she had committed, "I remember dragging her lifeless body towards the bathroom and with the same knife that I used to slash her throat, I chopped her body... her parts into pieces." Sandra sobbed, throwing her face into her hands remembering that night, "And then it happened." She sniffed and turned to stare at the crying blonde, "Her body parts were cut in pieces and I stuffed it in my luggage before I thoroughly cleaned my room. I then fled and somewhere before I got into a new hotel, I buried her body on a road to which I didn't know where. My mind was so hazy that time. I drugged myself before it all happened. It's all I could remember."

"Why did you do it?" Cate broke down, the sobs invading her throat were pushing their way out of her lips, "Why?"

"I don't know. It was so dark and it all happened so fast. I don't know. I don't know."

The blonde cursed quietly. Cate slapped the steering wheel countless times causing the crying brunette to flinch on her seat. It didn't take a second when Cate suddenly screamed her agony away, clenching her jaw and freezing the brunette on her seat. Sandra began sobbing as the blonde went wild, and Cate came to a halt. She gripped the steering wheel so tightly that her knuckles turned white. Her chest heaved up and down as she attempted to chase the dwindling amount of air inside her body.

Sandra was about to say something else when Cate turned on the car's engine and drove away. The blonde drove the car more speedily than she should have. They were speeding up, and the brunette silently accepted that this was the end. She was certain they were going to the police, and Cate wanted her to confess because she knew how pure the blonde's heart was, so she sobbed on her seat. She hadn't expected it, and she didn't want it to happen. It was a wild ride. She was blinded by her bottled rage, but she knew what she did was illegal. She knew that she should pay for the crime. She just didn't anticipate that it would be soon.

"Before you'll send me to wherever you'll send me,.." The brunette asked, almost shouting on her seat as she turned to face the blonde frantically, "...will you please tell me you love me still?" 

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