Chapter Thirty Nine

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The brunette paused sensing how vulnerable Cate's voice was as she called her. She stopped applying her lipstick when the blonde called her from the bathroom. Everything was all set and both were just waiting for the private plane that Cate owned so they could fly to Spain.

She turned her back on the vanity mirror, "Yeah?"

"There's dried blood  underneath the garbage can." Cate came out of the room, eyes wide and on the verge of panicking, "I was putting away some of the  tissues that I used and then there was it,  on the --- "

"Oh." Sandra exclaimed and gave her a reassuring smile, "I stepped onto a glass when I got here." She started as she sat on the bed, took her right strapped-heel off and showed her foot to  the blonde, "See?"

"You didn't tell me  about that."

She wore her heel back, "Because baby, it's all fine. Just a small wound." She jested and walked back to the mirror, "You're all set? Your things ready?"

Sandra watched as the blonde walked towards her. Eyes glued on the mirror's reflection when the blonde put her phone on the bed and in a snap, Cate's arms were already wrapped around her waist, her chin on her shoulder and her lips in a sweet smile. 

"Stop smiling." Sandra coyly said as she went back to applying her lipstick, "You haven't answered my question yet."

"What question?" Cate countered as she turned Sandra around so she could look at her.

"Are you all set?" The brunette asked, putting her arms on the blonde's neck as she tugged her closer.

"Been set and ready since yesterday."

Sandra smiled, "That's great."

"You know I want to tell you something."

The brunette looked up and stared at her for a moment, "What is it?"

Cate took Sandra's hands that were on the back of her neck. She gently removed it and instead, she held it with her hands tightly. Sandra straightened up. She knew it would be serious.

"I'm sorry." Cate started as she stared at her, "I really am. I know --"

Sandra let of of Cate's right hand as she placed her hand on the blonde's chest, "Baby,.." She mumbled  softly, "...we've talked about this already."

Cate shook her head, "No. Let me finish." She spoke, eyes on the brunette's eyes, almost pleading, "I have a lot to say."


"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for it took us almost two years to finally pull all this shit together. I've been a jerk. If only I listened to you that day when I proposed. If only I let you tell me the whole story. If only I knew better then I should not have flew off to California and if only I didn't left you.." She spoke, "I was the one who left. You came clean to me and was ready to say yes, but I was so foolish. I left, met Rooney again and started off a new relationship with her. I let my emotions took a hold of me instead of fixing us and healing you." She exclaimed, eyes already drenched in tears, "Baby, you've been through so much and I'm sorry for I wasn't there when you needed someone to hold you tight. I'm really sorry."

"But you're here now, with me, ready to take this new journey with me..." Sandra smiled at her as she tiptoed to kiss her lips, "That's all that matters ,  baby." She spoke and wiped the blonde's tears.

"I love you and I'm so ready to step into this journey. I don't care what tomorrow may bring, but we'll figure this out together." Cate smiled as she leaned her head against Sandra's forehead, "It's you and me, always and forever."

"I know, baby. I know." Sandra answered, her hands fell on the blonde's back, "And I love you so much."

"You ready?" Cate asked as she backed away a bit.

"So long as you are with me, I am."

"I love you, Sandy. I love you so much and I don't know how to stress it enough, baby. I just love you --"

Sandra cut her off with a finger on her lips, "This is the part where you should kiss me and make love to me because we still have thirty-five minutes left of free time."

The blonde left out a laugh, "And this is the part where you should let go of my waist so I could drag you up on my hips, walk towards the bed and push you down."

Sandra did. She let go of Cate's waist and then it happened so fast. She had her legs wrapped around the blonde's waist as the blonde walked towards the bed and in just a snap, their well-pressed outfits were now on the floor as their bodies called each other home.


The Californian sun was kissing goodbye. The skies were drenched in pink and orange hues as the sunset emerged on the horizon. The private plane was waiting for the both of them. Cate held the brunette's waist as they walked towards the plane while a gentleman walked behind them, carrying their luggages. It was now or never. They would do it. Forget the life they had built in Hollywood for a little while and they would travel around Europe until they fancy the thought of going back. The timeline was still so blurry, but they would do it.

"Thank you." Cate thanked the man who helped them carry their things.

"Anytime, ma'am."

Cate nodded. Sandra was the first one to step into the plane while the blonde held her back, following her from behind. When they took their seats, and the pilot began to let the plane rise into the air, Cate held her hand and squeezed it tightly. It was a silent encouragement; a silent whisper of I'm here with you and we'll figure this out together.

"I love you." Sandra spoke, sighing at the thought of it, because fuck everything, she loved Cate the most and she was willing to do everything for her.

"And I love you too."

A smile crept on the brunette's face, "I can't wait to kiss you in Spain."

"I can't wait to be kissed in Spain by you." Cate chuckled as she turned the small television in front of them, but as tv went on, the vibe went dreary.

Sarah Paulson was reported missing by her sister this morning at 9 AM. The actress was reported flying in Malibu for a quick vacation, but the actress didn't return and up until now, the actress isn't answering her phone. This is Luna, CBC News.

"Shit." Sandra muttered silently as she stared at the blonde in shock.

No, it couldn't be.


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