Chapter Forty Six

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Golden by the Barcelonian sun, stripped to half nakedness, skin glistening with sweat and  half tinted lust and a  little tingle of pain seeping  to  the bone. Under the beam of the scorching sun, they laid on the sand. The tall and big palm trees shielded them from the heat. With their legs tangled together, they were there - all smiles, as if the whole world was not looking for them.

The blonde would be lying if she'd say she didn't miss New York. The busy sleepless pavements, the early morning buzzes, the apparition of different strangers, the fame, the unmutable noise, and just the life inside the city. She missed it. But why would she bother when away from the city she loved the most, was the woman she would die for, beside her, in one of the secluded beaches in Barcelona? Why would she listen to the whispers of her heart, telling her to go back when Sandra's laughter and giggles were so damn addicting? Why would she go back when Sandra was safe with her in Barcelona?

Cate was silent and so Sandra turned to give her a smile, a soft touch on her hand and a sweet peck on the lips. For  a  fleeting moment,  time  ceased. Even the splashing of the waves silenced. All  that  had ever  been audible  was  the  furious thumping  inside  the blonde's chest  as  though   a kraken   breaking  through  hell’s  gates.   She and  Sandra alone existed  on the  harbor  side —   side  of   Barcelona, a thousand miles away from their known world. 

"Now you're the one who is thinking loudly." Sandra casually spoke as she went back to lying on the sand.

Cate gulped. A pause. A short time to breathe and contemplate whether she would ask her or not. But as she felt the brunette's eyes penetrating her, she ended up sitting on the sand as she stared back at her wife.

"Are we really gonna do this?" She asked.

Sandra took off her sunglasses, sat on the sand as she tied her bikini top back, "This? What do you mean this?"

"This." Cate sighed. "Our life here now. Are we really gonna stay and leave everything behind? Leave our lives in New York that we built for many years? How about our friends?"

"Are we really gonna talk about this?" Sandra left out a huge sigh before she went back to lying on the sand, unbothered.

"Yes, we do! Jennifer has been calling me for two weeks now and I kept ignoring her. My publicist is asking me where I am and I don't --"

"So your career is much more important now?"

Cate's mouth opened, "What the fuck? This is not about my career. This is about you and me. Our lives!"

Sandra sat back again, "For fuck's sake, you married me here! We married each other here! Now can we stop this talk? Because I clearly see no point as to why we need this talk."

"And that is why we need to talk!"

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