Chapter 28: Absolute Betrayal

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Seto Kaiba held the money he had kept in the bank on his side. He had to make a small fuss to make sure he could withdraw all of it. They were scared they couldn't fund anyone else but the meager amount he held in that bank was only for emergencies. He kept something in nearly every bank in Domino City, just in case he ended up in serious trouble.

"Seto Kaiba, are we done going everywhere?" Shizuka Kawa had been worn out from the dragon and the bite. "I'm losing it again."

Seto Kaiba hated to baby anyone. When he had used the dragon and she could see, he didn't hold her hand. She stayed close enough behind him, he didn't need to worry. When she lost her eyesight though, he was learning how to do both. In the endless spots of nothing between, he was watching around her more, but not holding her hand. There was nothing to trip on in those endless voids, only people to watch out for that might try to take her.

When they moved into civilized places again, then he'd hold her hand. "We could go for clothes, but I want to try something else first." Kaiba had never been in the twisted Land of Memories the former Pharaoh had spoken of, but reading into all the information he had, he knew enough that the right kind of magic could make any game look real.

The world going overnight was possible. He had lived it that way yesterday, only focusing on survival and getting back to Mokuba. Now that he knew Mokuba was safe, he had to explore in a deeper way. He stood on the brink of the nuisance pier, near where he had to deal with saving Jounouchi's life one time. Way out there. He looked outward.

It looked like endless desert with no kind of hills between that could be seen. The large gap to go down was nearly ten times the appearance of what it had been in other locations. In other words, if he fell, he was done for. Kaiba held one of the old phones he kept. As long as he kept one, he could use it for his test. He tossed it down lightly on the side, watching it fall. Getting banged up, hitting the sides until . . . nothing. He grabbed his second phone. His last phone to try, and pitched it further outward.

It disappeared too.

"I heard a splash," Shizuka Kawai said. "Are we near water?"

"I have no more phones to test this, and I'm not going to get more accurate readings." Changing what he threw wouldn't help. There isn't water way up here, it receded, but it's down there and farther away. If I run off this pier. It might get us out of here. But to where? Is this bubble to keep us safe from other intruders trying to come in on a given area, or is there civilization outside? "Shizuka Kawai, I need to ask you something."


"Are you ready to die to test a theory?" Kaiba asked. "I think the water's receded, and there is a barrier on the other side of here we can cross. I don't know what's on the other side. Maybe it's nothing. Maybe we both are just going to die, but I want to leap off this pier and find out." He took his rod and carved a frown face into the ground. The former Pharaoh Atem and his little friendly gang would find their way there one day. At least, he'd have a temporary mark of what he'd done.

Whether it led to freedom, or a death by crushing heights.

"I'm ready," Shizuka Kawai answered. "If there's a real life out there still besides this, then I'll risk my life to get to it. What about Mokuba?"

"I already said goodbye." Mokuba would find it too one day. I refuse to live like this, if there's a chance at something else. Mokuba. If there's a way to get you out, I promise I'll find it. He took Shizuka Kawai's hand and stared off the pier. "I'll tell you when to run. I'll tell you when to jump. We'll most likely die, but we might be freed. Are you ready?"


"Good. Then. Run!" He ran off the pier, holding her hand tightly and then, "Jump!" They both jumped together.

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