Chapter 42: Spirit Redemption Attack

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A curse was heard from Set as the globe glowed red twice.

Set didn't set out a card?

Then perhaps Set didn't know as much as he pretended to. He did have weaker cards in his deck too.

"Nice job, got that whole annoyance out of the way," Zorc congratulated Atem.

"Hey?" Kaiba glared at Zorc. "Where was the 1500 Point protection for that round?"

"Conquered," Zorc uttered. "Last turn. It holds up until you take it out fully. Also, another interesting rule I forgot to mention?"

"When the barrier breaks, it cannot be defended by the same one who protected it," Set answered. "Your battleship is as good as dead."

Oh, that explains it. "If someone loses a barrier, then the person loses their turn to save them?"

"Some gods love crushing spirits. Forcing them to stand back and watch the devastation is fun for them." Set rolled his eyes. "It wasn't fun."

None of it is fun. "Which barriers are broken? We have to know if we aren't supposed to take a turn."

"If it were 2500 for the Egypt Palace location like Zorc said, it would have gone. From subsequent plays, it's still there," Kaiba noticed. "Your shenanigans with not explaining the rules and lying won't last."

"Not quite a lie," Zorc corrected him in Anzu's voice. "Just a little off. I mean it gives 2500 protection for each battleship inside."

"12,500," Kaiba said almost instantly. "That explains it. Overflowing red on the globe means we took out a soul. The little bouts of red just meant we damaged a barrier severely."

"Yes, yes." Zorc didn't look as pleased. "You don't have to explain so much."

"I want my little brother to live, and he deserves to live in the nice world he had before," Kaiba said to Zorc. "That means I'm going to give every last morsel of information you might be hiding from losers like Jounouchi who aren't as good at math."

"Seto," Shizuka said to him.

"People. People like Jounouchi," Kaiba corrected himself. "Your barrier is still alive. Domino's barrier is gone and so are three of the souls in it. Set only has two barriers and two souls left somewhere."

"Yes, your brother being one of them," Zorc smiled. "Happy reunion."

Kaiba went on. "The high school probably has Honda and Miho. If so, it could actually have 4,000 points. Except, you don't always like to tell the truth, and someone was hurt when we last saw it. That means it may or may not be there."

Zorc shrugged.

"To be smart in this game, I'll assume the high school protection is gone, Zorc's barrier is intact, and Set only has two battleships remaining." Those were the last words from Kaiba.

"Well, now that Kaiba took his guess, and Atem had his fun, it's my turn." Zorc winked. "What kind of fun can this girl have?" Anzu's voice chuckled. "Ooh, this will be kind of fun. If Kaiba's right, I could just go after Honda. But, where's the fun in that?" He giggled. "I'm Anzu. Let's go to America. Hollywood. Palace Estate. Don Thousand. 10,000 points." Zorc glanced at Yuugi. "Can you guess the one hiding there? Thank me later."

Set muttered and put out a Dragon Master Knight, but a red dot occured.

Yuugi stared at the globe. Thank him later? "What kind of card was that?"

"What do you mean what card was that?" Kaiba questioned him. "What are so many of these cards? I assumed gods would be traveling wherever they wanted to get cards."

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