Chapter 16: To Kill A Friend?

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The limo

"Satiah." Now that Atem was finally away from Bakura, he would finally talk. "I believe there is a great danger approaching the world in the future. One that I or Yuugi alone can't fend off. Perhaps, Yuugi may not even be here at that time, so I can't return. But? It was said that a new god would come with the light of a goddess."

She watched him, waiting for him to say something else. "And? What does that have to do with me?"

"You took the energy from Anzu," Atem said again, "while you were still a spirit, and then went straight to your own body."

"Are you kidding?" She scoffed. "I'm not a goddess, I'm far from that."

"I'm not a god," Atem said, "yet I was considered one. Did you know that you were slightly glowing?"

Satiah scratched her hair and wrinkled her nose. She didn't seem to know what to say to that.

"Your actions speak louder than your words." Atem looked out the window. "I don't see Bakura in you at all. Do you know what I see?"


"An actress."

Well, what to say to that? "It gets me through."

"I also see something else. I see another of my friends," he said looking back at her. "Jounouchi was far from a model citizen when Yuugi met him. Whenever Yuugi got beat up, he didn't come over with a towel and sweet words, asking if he's okay and taking him home to make him better. That was Anzu. No, Jounouchi rushed over without a thought and beat the opposer up." He smirked. "Honda does the same thing. When something happened that they couldn't handle? Then I stepped in."

"I don't fight," she corrected him.

"You fight in a different manner," Atem tried again. "There is a reason Bakura was with you."

She shrugged. "I don't remember these kinds of speeches on Anzu's dates. Then again, I was rarely present for them." She looked out the window. "It's late but this city is so alive still."

"Sir?" The limo driver's voice sounded from the front. "We will be at our goal in ten minutes."

"Good," Atem answered a moment, but went back to her. "I asked for more than a date too. I asked for your real name."

She squirmed with a long extended sigh. Bakura knew it had to be done too, it was part of the payment. "So few know it."

"For a very long time, I didn't know my name," Atem said. She knew that. "Nothing about myself. You should let others call you by your name, this isn't Ancient Egypt. No one will use it to hurt you."

She crossed her arms and breathed harshly. It felt like betraying Bakura, but it was part of the deal. "Masika."

"Masika. I obviously had need of a date for a reason," he confessed. "For the sake of the future of the world. I humbly ask of you something, Masika."

"Don't do it yet." The guide's voice commanded. "It's way too early in the date for that."

"Why are there two voices?" She looked at the King suspiciously. "Are you playing a different game?"

"No. He is the one that handed me the clothes for you to wear," Atem said. "There is no second game."

"Oh." She seemed to be thinking. "Are you still there?" she asked out loud.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Do I get to keep the clothes?"

"No, Ma'am."

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