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 first, before I start, I just want to say thank you todorokiswife600570  for just being amazing! I know we don't talk too much but the comments you leave always make my day!!!  ILY!!!
Ok now that's done we shall start :D

Once Liz realized what was going on, her breath slightly hitched and she mentally freaked out

Crud, why is this happening? This is gonna get awkward.

After Liz had a mental stroke, she slipped away from under your "sleeping" figure and crept down the hallway to check Gwen, who was out cold.

Once the pink-haired girl left you opened your eyes and felt the rush of relief go through you. You waited a few minutes before heading down as well. When you arrived at the kitchen you spotted Liz struggling to get a pan out of the cupboard. 

"do you need help?" you ask, trying to hide your smirk

Liz shot you a cold look, then rolled her eyes. you stepped up to the shelf and went up on your tiptoes, you reached out to the dish and managed to reach the very end of the handle. you thought you could grab it but only ended up tipping the thing off the shelf. before the pan hit you, Liz was quick to grab you and pulled you away. But due to gravity (yay fun) both of you ended up on the floor. Liz on the bottom, and you sprawled on top. (uh yes we be doing a cliche falling scene ITS WATTPAD FOR GOD SAKES (〃>目<)) 

by then both of you were a mess, you instantly launched back, flinging your top half backward and ending up smashing the back of your head onto the ground.

"ow" you whined out while pushing yourself away with your legs only to hit your head onto a chair leg

once Liz calmed, she couldn't help but let out a small chuckle 

"Are you good?"

"I'd be better if you would make some food hehe"

"my god I hate you"

"no, you don't :D"


Liz got up and grabbed the pan off the floor and started rummaging through the fridge. Gwen walked down looking at you in confusion, before speaking.

what happened down here, I heard a big noise, are you guys ok?

"yea we're ok, klutzy over here decided she needed to be a hero and knocked a pan off" Liz spoke, eyeing you with a cold look, you just gave a shy laugh while changing the subject.

"so how was your sleep?"

"good, tho I woke up around ten o'clock and saw you two in the other room, by the way, are you two a thing?" 

you felt your face explode with heat

"NO" both of you screamed at the same time

"really? you two seem close" Gwen replied

hey guys sorry again that this is short but I know that there are people requesting a chapter. again I don't have much time and my focus is sh!t. not to mention I have things going on in my personal life so thank you again for being patient even tho this was very short. 

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