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You found yourself in a dark room lit only by the moon, You got up and looked around, once the chilled air hit your spine you felt a bone-chilling sensation spread through your body. You took note of your surroundings, it looked like a store.

Am I still at the mall?

but as you looked closer, you saw rot and decay invading the walls and the contents of the eerie room. You got up and ran out of the store, looking around the plaza, now only illuminated by single flickering lights speckled throughout the establishment. You saw an exit, Picking up your feet as fast as you can to reach the cracked glass panes of the door. But as you ran, the door only came further from your reach.  

what is going on? why is this happening? 

You were knocked out of your panic when you saw a silhouette of someone deep in the shadows on the balcony above. You didn't know if you should run or seek help from the stranger. eventually, you decided to flee. Turning from the elusive door to anywhere you could hide. Then your body slammed into something hard, you fell to the ground before looking up to see the strange shadow. It was just a mannequin.

what is going on?  

You heard footsteps rumbling through the halls, ones that were deep, and slow, this caused your blood to run like ice. You ran to the nearest shop and tried to pull down the security gate, but the rail of the tarnished silver snapped right off and fell to the floor with a clatter. then the footsteps coming closer to you, now on the bottom floor, You frantically looked around and saw in the back of the store a frozen escalator leading up to the second floor. you then ran to a candy shop and tried to close that gate, this time luck was on your side and it closed while staying fully intact.

Then you heard a voice, you turned to see a small girl, looking not much older than the age of 4.  The girl was covered in dirt grime and had dried scabs scattering her arms. 

"h-help me" the girl whispered, gripping the ends of her tattered purple shirt. 

you looked to the girl for one moment then picked her up, then as you stood up, you saw a window, a light illuminating from the glass pane" you ran to it, only to hear a whistle behind you, the shadow was now in the shop. you looked down from the window, seeing a red convertible with the top open under.  You grip the child tighter and run to the window, but once you reached it, you did not stop, you jumped and flipped around so your back faced it, once the window shattered, you were falling out of the 2 story building, around 80 feet, the girl let out a shriek, by reflex, you grabbed her tighter and curved your back. Then only 2 seconds later you felt the leather of the seat slam into your back, causing an ache to shoot up your spine and make you yell out in pain. That didn't stop you, You got out of the car as quickly as you can and put the child on your damaged back, making the pain worse. But you did not care, you sprinted as face as your aching body let you while telling the child she will be okay and you are going to take her somewhere safe.  

Then your body slammed into something hard, you then toppled to the ground making sure the small human on your back was not too badly injured, then you looked up,  it was a police officer looking down to you.

"are you okay?" the woman in uniform asked

"yes... ish?" you answered honestly

"where is your family or friends?" she questioned

at this point, you felt like you were about to snap in half and you knew you could not protect this girl. so you decided to tell the officer you needed a ride. The police officer noted the desperation in your voice, so she lets you and the girl in her vehicle. 

"so what is happening?"

You did not want to explain everything because you knew this would go in deeper, not to mention you may have been sent to the doctors or some kind of medical attention if they knew about your back, and all you wanted to do is go back to Liz's house and help the girl,  so you created a lie.

"Well my sister here ran off a while ago and went into the mall, I went to find her, and I fell down one of the escalators and hurt my back mildly, but I am just relieved I found my sister."

"do you need any medical?" the woman looked at you and the girl, who was now asleep on your shoulder due to the night and any events happening before. 

"no I'm good," you said calmly, even though you were pretty sure you did.

then soon after the cop started driving, once she got to the station she let you use the phone.

"you can call your mom right?" another officer asked you, looking at you weirdly.

"Actually, I live with my older sister, I have to all her since my parents are dead." you lied again, praying to God no one got on to you. 

You tried to remember the number Liz told you to contact in the previous hours, pressing each digit hesitantly then placing the phone by your ear.

"Liz? is that you?" a voice started, it was kelly

"Uh, no it's me y/n," you answered, eyes set on the near desk the two officers were at, setting the girl you rescued into an office chair to sleep in.

"Y/N! ARE YOU OKAY!?" kelly yelled into the phone, making you back away from the phone slightly, then the officer's attention was placed now on you.

"Uh, yea... sis... I got the little gremlin as well..." you answered  

"what" kelly questioned. 

shortly after the attention of the cops came back on the girl, that's when you took the chance to  whisper in the phone.

"Look, something happened that I will explain later, just send someone over please."



"This better not be a trap, I am still not trusting you fully"

"I promise it's not... at least not mine if it is."

kelly sighed before hanging up, then after the longest 20 minutes of your life, Liz busted through the door and got you out. But before leaving you grabbed the young child and made sure she did not wake up. right as you knew the station was out of sight, Liz started interrogating you.

"Whats with the kid?"

"I found her, she was scared out of her mind"

Okay, now where were you?

"an abandoned mall, I think?"

"what happened and who took you?"

" I woke up in what looked like a rotting mall, then I looked around and heard noises, I saw someone or something move around, I was scared so I went to hide but found the little girl. at that point I was on the second floor with no escape, So I jumped out a window with the girl and managed to find a cop. the thing was that the thing there could travel fast, and what looked like that can go through walls so I am guessing, this thing is working for Serena."

"Okay, did you tell the cop about this"

"no, I lied, why?"

"so that why the called me your sister, but still, that's good, they would never get off your back if you did tell them" (but bro if u do actually see something suspicious tell the cop kids :)

"so what do we do?"

"figure out where her home is"


since I know like 80% never read my announcements i am expanding the Christmas things to be posted in January.

I have so many things that need to get done and lately, I'm not feeling the best so please bear with me here, and I am sorry this is late, I was grounded for a few days so I could not write -w-

but thank you so much for being patient and supporting me, I love all of you I hope you have a good holiday season!


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