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to be completely honest I didn't think I would get this far, thank you guys so much! I decided to write because your guy's support motivated me. Keep in mind tho updates will be slow due to motivation, mental health and shiz that goes on in my life (may do a schedule later but idk)

anyway we shall go on to da story

You tried to change the subject off of your relationship to something else. 

"Sooooo how about some food, your hungry right?" you asked the girl, rubbing the back of your head 

"yea ok that's fine since both of you decide to pretend to not like each other " Gwen replied

you have no filter, do you? you thought to yourself while pulling out a chair for  Gwen.


after breakfast, you all went over to Liz's headquarters for a few hours. You and Gwen went around saying hi to the rest of the group, Gwen took a liking to kelly, causing hours of conversation between the two before kelly decided to take in Gwen for the night. once Liz was done with her work, the both of you said goodbye then left. 

"soooo... what do you want to do now?" Liz asked 

"I don't know, heck I only know about the headquarters, your house, and the mall." you replied,

"wait, weren't you here for a couple of days before you met me?" 

"yea but you can't really enjoy things when your running and hiding from people trying to kill you" you deadpanned 

"ok, so what if I take you around the city, or at least what's around here?"

"Sure, why not, it has been a while since I actually got to explore a city without running for my life." 

Liz first took you to a museum of pop culture, then showed you around a park to attend an event  (dunno what event so just use your imagination)  then took you to get some fast food (again you choose)  nearby and ate by a small river close to the house.

"so what did you think?" Liz asked

"think about what?" 


"oh, it was really nice, thank you for taking me." 

"Yea no problem, I'm glad you got to have fun"

"its been so long since I've been on a date with anyone 


You registered what you just said and it hit you like a bag of bricks.

" A-AS A FRIEND SORRY!" you nearly screamed. Liz just laughed while feeling somewhat disappointed. You noticed an off look on her face.

"Hey Liz?"


"What's with the face? I said as friends and you seemed weird about it"


You got a little closer out of curiosity when suddenly Liz smashed her lips on yours. You let out a little squeak from surprise. Liz heard it and backed out.

"Sorry, I should not have done that" the pink haired girl said nervously.

You just gave a shy chuckle before going for another kiss, catching her off guard.


This was again a short azz cheaper after a huge Haitus, I apologize. But hopefully this satisfied the thirsty gays. And keep in mind that I typed this out on my phone in my bio class right before a presentation. Wish me luck.

Have a wonderful night/day!

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