3 Brother

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You were deciding if your species was a good thing or not, you also were wondering if you should run or stay. After a few moments of the other teens debating, they decided to let you stay with them but with surveillance. They all decided to tell you their names and discuss what they do.

Eventually, everyone had to leave since the school was going to close.

"Ok whos taking her?" Liz asked, finger pointed in your direction

"NOPE!" they all said in sync turning away to grab their things. To be honest, you were not surprised, you were lucky they even talked to you and didn't lock you in a cage-like some animal.

"seriously" you hear Liz groan under her breath as she snatched her bag from a chair and headed to the door.  She turned back to you once she reached the wooden frame and turned back to you, who was still on the sofa.

"You coming or not!?" Liz snapped at you getting a little impatient. You got up and followed her out of the school,  it was dark and starting to rain lightly, you had no umbrella and Liz left her bike at her house since the house she was babysitting at was by her house and the school. 

Liz sighed in frustration

On the way to her house, you were silent, knowing you probably were not wanted.

"You know I'm not going to kill you for talking," Liz said, snapping you out of a daze.

you shrugged and replied, "what do you want me to talk about?"

Liz was silent for a minute while looking to a luminous lamp post before aiming her eyes towards you.

"If you were not trying to hurt anyone, why were you climbing into my charge's room?"

You hesitated for a moment then answered,

"I was being hunted down."

"by who?"

"by the spider queen." 

Liz stopped in her tracks and looked at you wide-eyed once she heard that name. She turned to you and asked why?

You explained to Liz that you worked for Serena (I think that's how u spell it) until one day she made you do something you could never do and still keep a clear mind. to kill a boy named Kevin. So instead of killing the boy, you took him to an abandoned warehouse to hide in and stay safe, you told the spider queen you took care of everything and got rid of him. this went on for months until she found out. This happened when you went to give the boy supplies to stay safe and fed but when you did that she sent one of her servants to follow you. After she found out, you managed to get Kevin out of harm's way and ran for your life.

Liz dropped her bag and stared at you. Which at this point you had stopped and shot her a questioning look. 

"Kevin Lerue?" Liz asked still eyes trained on you.

"Uh, not entirely sure but I think so" you replied, rubbing the back of your head. Tears sprung into the pink-haired girl's eyes and you were kind of worried.

"are you okay?" you questioned Liz. who only just gave an exasperated  sigh then answered

" you saved my brother," She said after a few seconds.



sorry I know it's short again, but I had to hurry and I felt like it's time to repost so despite the fact that it is short, I hope you like it.

also compared to my other stories on my other account this story has already done amazing! so thank you so much for reading and voting/commenting it really helps keep me motivated! 

love you guys!

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