Not a happy household

219 6 2

Depressing thoughts
Self harm

Tommy pov

I sighed as I pressed the end live button..I was getting so tired.. considering it was 1:46 in the morning it made sense..

My dad left for the pub this afternoon, it was late so I assumed he was spending the night with someone..

As I put down my headset and had begun to get up, I hear the front door creak open. My face goes ghost white as I begin panicking.

I thought quickly trying to get to my bed.

As I stumbled towards my bed, I tripped on my headphone cord. Which caused me to fall on the floor making a loud thud.

Fuck..I'm screwed I think closing my eyes tightly and cringing from the loud sound.

I hear loud and heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.

I just sit there giving up on trying to pretend that I was asleep.

As I hear the footsteps approaching I close my eyes preparing myself for what was about to come..

My bedroom door slams open and my dad is standing there looking absolutely furious. "THOMAS. WHAT ARE YOU DOING AWAKE THIS LATE?!" He practically screamed at me.

He walks over to me, and grabs my arm causing me to flinch in pain. "YOU NEVER LISTEN TO ME GOD I WISH YOU WERE NEVER BORN!"

I close my eyes and was just waiting for it to be over when suddenly my father's hand is around my neck and I'm struggling to breathe.

"ARE YOU LISTENING NOW YOU MISTAKE?!" He yells into my ear.

My father squeezed harder as black dots began clouding my vision....

Just as I was beginning to pass out my father let's go and spits in my face.

He gives me an disappointed face and walked out my room.

I deserved that I thought to myself..I deserved that...right..?

I needed a way to let the stress I ran to my bathroom and pulled out my razor hidden under a towel.

I deserve this.

I put the blade on my skin dig down and pull.

I flinch at the pain but repeat it over..and over.. Until my arm is covered in cuts. I stare at the damage, and begin looking through the medicine cabinet to search for bandages. Once I find them, I wrap them around my arms flinching at the sudden pain.

Once the cuts are covered, I head back to my room, and go over to my closet, pull out a hoodie and put that on.

After that I looked at the time 2:13

I lay down in my bed before checking my phone, I see lots of notifications from social media and friends.. so I start by checking Twitter and I immediately see #1 on trending is..


When I look at my computer I see something..

𝙄 𝙙𝙞𝙙𝙣'𝙩 𝙚𝙣𝙙 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢.

              I made a long one for once! Hope you enjoyed this one, very angsty :'(

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