Part Eleven: Brother

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Your eyes shot open and realised that you were still sleeping in Newt's arms. He wasn't asleep and it made you wonder how long he was awake. Once you realised you were still snuggled up to him, you pushed off the boy and rubbed the back of your head in embarrassment. He did the same, flushing a light pink.
"Oh, um, sorry!" You said and Newt got up, blushing pinker than before.
"Oh yeah, me too." He said and the two of you smiled awkwardly at each other.
Your thoughts instantly wandered back to your dream. Memory. Unstable? Why would you be unstable? What did you do? You were beginning to get annoyed at all your own unanswered questions. You knew no one could answer them so you never said them aloud.
You took a deep breath and shoved your head in your hands. You had only been in the Glade for two days and you already had someone who wanted to kill you, got them killed, found your brother, went through immense pain, and got some memories back in the process. Now, some of your memories are coming back when you sleep. Everything just didn't make sense.
"You okay love?" Newt asked and you forgot he was there.
"Just confused." You said, muffled by your hands.
"About what?"
"About how all this works. The whole Changing thing. Getting memories a—" you let it slip. Now Newt knew you got some of your memories back and he was going to ask questions. But to your surprise, Newt didn't look shocked at all. Almost as if he were waiting for you to say it.
"I wish I could say it gets better." Newt said and you looked up at him and he gave you a soft smile. "I can say this, the memories stop."
"You knew?"
"Of course, it's one of the effects of the Changing. I just didn't want to push it by asking about it."
"But they stop?" You asked and he nodded.
"Yes, but every now and then, you'll wake up in a cold sweat. You know, like having a nightmare that you can't remember. Sometimes you'll scream, sometimes you'll claw at anything around you. It all depends." You felt your heart drop, but you did like Newt's blatant honesty. You needed to know these things so at least you could be prepared. You didn't want to learn these things the hard way.
"Oh god." You mumbled, putting your head in your hands again. Newt pulled you in for a hug when Minho came in looking for the blondie.
"Hey Newt..." he said and then he saw the two of you and smirked. "Sorry to interrupt but Alby wants you." Newt nodded, releasing you and standing straight. He stretched before he began walking to the door.
"Alright then. (Y/n), I'll go get Clint. Maybe he'll let you go early." Newt said and you smiled, hoping that would be the case.
"Yeah, now go you ugly shank before Alby has a little fit and gets mad at me." Minho said and Newt gave his friend a little shove before he left the hut. Once Minho saw that Newt was finally gone, he turned to you and laughed.
"I ship it." Minho finally said and you took a pillow and chucked it at him. "Hey! That is no way to treat the man who offers you freedom!" Minho said with crossed arms and you looked at him confused.
"What the shuck are you talking about?" You asked and the boy rolled his eyes.
"Well your not going to find out sitting like the slinthead you are. Cmon, let's go."

You were finally out. Finally out of that cramped little room. You took a breath of fresh air and felt free. Minho pulled you to the side, making sure no one could see you. Obviously, Clint wouldn't approve of this.
"Alright, let's start with some new clothes, you look like a shucking train wreck." Minho said and you lightly punched him in the arm.
"At least I don't smell like sweat all the time." You said and Minho scoffed.
"I think I smell delightful." He said, "now come on, Alby moved your stuff in the homestead and the longer we stay here the more likely we'll get caught and I don't feel like getting in trouble for a shank like you." He said, pulling you along. As tough as the boy seemed to be, he also seemed to care about people. He was nice in his own special way.
You walked through the grass, keeping your hair behind you and tucked under your shirt. You just wanted to walk freely. You kept your head down. Even though you were hiding, you never felt so happy.
As you followed behind Minho, you looked over and saw Gally talking with Alby and Newt. Seeing Gally sent a shiver down your spine. You froze and stared at him from across the Glade. Then he looked at you and the two of you just stayed staring at each other.
"The shuck you doin shank, c'mon!" Minho said, pulling you away from your staring contest with your brother.
Eventually, you and Minho had made it to the Homestead without being caught. You walked in while Minho stayed outside.
"I'll keep watch for people. I'll knock if someone's there." Minho told you and you nodded.
You found your dark oak box sitting on the floor unlocked. You opened it up and searched through it, lifting clothes out of the box. As you did so, however, something shiny and medal fell out and hit the floor. It was a price of paper that was rolled up and kept together with a ring. It was sterling silver and and had '(Y/n)+Newt' engraved on the inside. It was messy, probably made by someone who didn't really know what they were doing and didn't have the right tools. But that's what made it special. It gave it meaning and personality. You remembered this ring. It was in your memories. It was the one Newt made for you, the last thing Gally gave to you before he was ripped away from you to get his memories wiped.
You suddenly heard a knock on the door, it had to be Minho. You suddenly heard the boy talking to someone with a British accent. It had to be Newt so you weren't in a rush.
You took the paper and unwrapped it, finding a letter.

I told Thomas to put this in your crate when they sent you up, if they ever did. I know I always gave him crap but he's a good kid.
If your reading this than your probably up here now, with me, and we don't know who each other are. I hope we at least get along, I mean, all things considered.
I wanted to assure you that I would be fine. Minho would be fine. Newt would be fine. But you know, seen as your here now, I don't have to tell you that. You probably don't even know. Well, at least I don't have to worry about Newt having his little crush on ya.
If you didn't know that before then I gotta say that your hopeless at love at this point. I think he never asked you out cause, well, for one it was risky with the whole 'your unstable' crap, and two, I would have sent him to his death bed. But he cares for you. They all do.
I wouldn't worry about Minho. That asshole will be fine and, rest assured, he ain't gonna change. That boy has such a big ego that it can't be contained.
Chuck will survive to, I just hope they don't send him up. The poor kid is too young to go through all of this.
I love you sis, don't forget to tell me the same when you see me after reading this. Now that you know, tell me, tell we are siblings. I just need to see you again, I know it.
You and Thomas make a good team, so I know you'll end this one way or another with him.
Remember that I love you.
Signed Gally.

You read through the letter a couple times and put on the ring. It was bent but it fit perfectly.
So Newt had a crush on you before the Maze? Well, now you knew the two of you weren't in a official relationship, but the two of you were close. And now you know that Minho hasn't changed a bit. That thought made you laugh.
You knew you had to tell Gally. It wasn't fair for him. Newt was right, you had to tell him because it still benefited him as much as it did you. You couldn't be afraid anymore, you had to tell him.
"I have to tell you something Gally," you practiced to yourself in the empty room. "Your my brother."
"What?" You whipped your head to look behind you, only to see a tall masculine boy standing there with an expression you'll never forget.

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