Part Twenty Six: The Plan

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Chuck was gone. You watched nonchalantly as he walked to the Map Room to get the rest of the supplies. You were anxious, as you normally were. But you knew you were doing the right thing. You looked like you were walking to others but you were really pacing.
   "You know that isn't gonna make you feel better." That accent sent a shiver down your spine. You turned to Newt and the moment your eyes met his, you felt at peace. But you also felt those butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
Gotta ignore it.
   "Maybe not, but it sure does make me feel better." You responded and you both laughed.
   "I know this won't be easy, but I just—"
   "Wanna make sure I'm still on your side?" You tried finishing his sentence.
   "That's not what I was going to say. I was just making sure you were okay with what was going to happen." You sighed heavily and found a log of debris so you sat down and Newt came next to you.
   "Can you just promise me something?"
   "It's Gally. I want to try and bring him along with us, but if he doesn't, I need you to push me forward." You told him and he smiled his soft smile, showing his perfect white teeth.
   "You have my word." That one statement sent reassurance through your body, but it didn't stop you from thinking about Gally. He was your brother and you were betraying him, but was it worth it? Was it worth leaving him behind?
   "You know, I only do what's right." You told him, "or at least, what I think is right."
   "And you have done that this far." Newt assured but you sighed heavily.
   "Is it worth it?" You asked and Newt looked outwards into the destroyed Glade.
   "I don't know. But thats all the more reason to find out. I don't think things will be getting much better in here." Newt pointed out and you knew he was right. He always was.
   You turned to face him as he surveyed the Glade like Alby had in the watch tower. Those two were a lot alike, maybe they didn't know it, but you sure did.
   When you looked at Newt, your brain took you back to that moment in the Map Room. What did it mean to you? What did it mean to him? Was it noting or was it something? You thought that you would die that night, did it induce your actions?
   "Love?" You heard Newt say and you shook from your thoughts
   "Your staring at me." He stated and you laughed awkwardly.
   "Right, um, Newt? I had question." You said  as he nodded. "That moment in the Map Room—"
   "Oh! That?" He said, probably louder than he meant to as he blushed a heavy pink. "Oh, it was, uh, nothing. Yeah!"
   "Yeah, I'm sorry that I did anything you didn't like, your just, uh, such a good friend and stuff." Newt said quickly as he stuttered.

Really? Friend zoned?

   "That is unless—"
   "Oh no, your right! Friends, that's all it was." You said quickly and you hated yourself for it. But why? You didn't like him, did you?
   "Good that then." He said, patting your knee as he stood up. He looked so off balance and awkward that it was almost funny. "Well, um, I'm going to go over the plan with Tommy again so I guess I'll see you around!" Newt said and then ran off before you could respond.
    "That was pathetic." You turned and saw Minho standing there.
    "How long were you there?" You asked but Minho simply just walked away without giving an answer. "Minho? MINHO!"

   You watched as two boys dragged the 'unconscious'  Thomas across the Glade. There were two thick logs stuck into the ground that was meant for the the brunette and the girl. Teresa tried fighting their grasp but it didn't work, they were too strong. That's why you had the plan.
   They rested Thomas on the floor and Gally walked up to them. The boy had just finished crossing Alby's name off the wall. That made your breath hitch in your throat. Gally then made his way over to the brunette who seemed dead to the world. He sighed.
   "This is such a waste." The boy said.
   "Gally," Winston spoke up, "this doesn't feel right man." Gally turned his head and looked at the boy seriously.
   "Yeah, what if (y/n) is right, what if out there is a way out? What if she and Thomas can bring us home?" Jeff then spoke. Frypan came up from behind the two boys to back them up.
   "We are home." Gally said.
   "No we aren't." You spoke up and Gally looked at you with a look of despair. He didn't want to have to get mad at you again.
   "This isn't home. This is a prison. A test. Nothing here is real." You told him. "And banishing them isn't going to solve anything."
   "This isn't a banishment, it's an offering."
   "What?" Teresa questioned but the two boys pushed her against the log and tied her up. She fought but they over powered her.
   "You seriously think that I'm going to let the two of you in that maze, just so you can go back to the Creators? No. Look around you. Look at our Glade!" You watched as Newt swiped his chin as the signal for you and Minho. You two looked at each other and then, you glanced at Chuck who was slowly making his way over to the group. You hadn't heard what Gally had said, but it made Teresa upset.
   "Do you hear him? He's crazy!"
   "Would you shut up?"
   "The Greivers will come back and they'll keep coming back until each one of you are dead!"
   "Shut up! Tie him up!" Gally screamed but the boys hesitated. "I said tie him up!"
   "Not gonna happen." You whispered in the boys ear and Gally turned around to face you. You took the butt of your machete and smashed it into his rib cage. Then, Minho came up behind and pointed the blade at Gally's throat. You turned to see Thomas at the front with a spear and Fry cutting Teresa down.
   You made your way to the front while Minho followed, not lowering his weapon. Gally looked at you with a somber expression. You hated looking at him like this.
   "Your full of surprises."
   "I didn't want to do this you know. I didn't want to have to do this, but I'd rather die out there fighting than in here hiding." You told him but Gally turned to the Gladers.
   "She's just trying to scare you."
   "I'm not scaring you. How could I scare you even more than you are now?" You asked and the boys all looked at each other. "If you stay here, your only killing yourselves and I know some of you have the common sense to realise this. And I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't scared, because I am terrified. But at least if I die, I died trying."
   "This is where we belong, you and I found each other here."
   "No, what happened here, that wasn't us finding each other, it was us losing each other. For three year we were separated! I love you Gally, your my brother, but none of us are in control here. It's all a shucking illusion! But out there, outside those walls, we get to chose who we are."
   We can make it, we can, I believe in us. It just leaves one thing. Are you willing to try? Are you willing to fight for your freedom? Are any of you willing to fight for the thing these people stole from us? Or, are you going to stay here and let them win? It's a choice. A choice that you can't make for them."
   The world went quiet. Nothing went unheard. Then, Winston stepped forward and so did Jeff. One Glader after another joined your group of rebels. There were only a few Gladers left standing with Gally.
   "Please Gally. Come with us. Come with me. I lost you once, I don't want to lose you again, don't make me suffer that again."
   The two of you stared at each other and you watched as his whole world crumbled.
   "I know your scared Gally." You said and that snapped him back to reality.
   "You know I love you." Gally said. "Good luck with the Grievers."
   You felt your heart sink as the boy didn't say anything else. He was going to let you go, that easily? You wanted him to come, you wanted to gain back the life that was stolen from you. You wanted back the brother that was stolen from you.
"(Y/n)," Newt pressed. "We should go."
   "I love you Gally." You said as you turned to the rest of the group and pushing them on. You never turned back.

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