you're her lock screen

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You sat up and stretched your arms out over your head as the credits of the film started to roll.

"Are you up for another movie?" Kylie asked and you instantly nodded your head.

Despite feeling tired and that it's going on midnight, the idea of spending even more time with your best friend, who you're secretly in love with, sounded absolutely perfect and you couldn't pass up the opportunity.

"Okay. I'll be back, I'm going to go grab some snacks." She smiled and brushed her fingers along your shoulder for a second before she walked out of the room.

You leaned back against the sofa and closed your eyes, trying hard to slow down your racing heart. There were butterflies in your chest, caused just by the touch of her hand. You know you're in deep, so head over heels for her that you can't even put it into words now.

Obviously, you're not alone. Hundreds of millions of people across the world probably feel the same way you do. That's what keeps holding you back from telling her how you feel. The feeling of wondering if you're just not what she wants, that you're just not the one meant for her.

The sound of her phone chiming snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Y/N? Can you see who that is for me?" Kylie yelled from the other room.

"Yeah, sure!" You yelled back and grabbed her phone, finding that it was a message from Kendall.

The message was enough to confuse you, but the glimpse of what looked like a very familiar photo that she had set as her lock screen made your heart hammer in your chest.

The message from Kendall read,

"Have you told her yet?"

You wondered what she could be referring to. But you didn't pay as much mind to it as you did her lock screen. You were so curious that you swiped across her screen to get the message off the screen so you could see the full photo.

You gasped softly when you saw her lock screen was indeed what you thought it might be.

It was you.

It was a photo of you that Kylie took when you went on vacation together just a few weeks ago.

She'd taken this particular photo of you as you smiled brightly, in the happiest of moods because you were on vacation with the girl you adore so much.

Now, it made sense as to why she hadn't let you see her phone before, until today.

"Who was it?" Kylie asked as she came back into the room.

"Uh, Kendall."

She nodded and sat beside you, holding her hand out for her phone. You just gazed at her with big eyes and her phone screen lit up with a random notification, allowing for her to see why you were so shocked.

She bit her lip and racked her brain for any explanation she could think of.

"Y/N, I-I can explain," she started to say, only for you to slowly put your hand on hers and interrupt her.

"Can I go first?"

She nodded slowly, nervous to find out what you were thinking about.

"I've got something to tell you. A secret I've been keeping from you for so long now."

She nodded again, bracing herself to hear whatever it was.

"I really like you. I'm hoping that the reason I'm your lock screen is that... you like me too. That, maybe, I'm not the only one hiding my feelings. That, maybe, your heart beats for me the way mine beats for you."

You watched as her eyes lit up.

"Yes." She smiled. "Y/N, I'm in love with you."

You squeezed her hand with a smile on your face, one that was almost as bright as hers.

"I'm in love with you too, Kylie."

"I guess I don't have to tell you what that message from Kendall means now," she said and you laughed before shaking your head.

Slowly, she leaned in and kissed your lips softly.

It was perfect.

It was the first kiss you've ever shared together; one she's been dying to give you.

"Want to know something?"

She nodded as she pulled away. You pulled out your phone and showed her that not only was she your lock screen, but also your background.

"You're so cute." She smiled and pulled you in for another kiss, only to pull away a few seconds later and pull you in for a hug; holding you tighter than ever before as she wished that she'd never had to let you go ever again.

Everything felt so right now and she was certain that she'd never been happier in all her life.

Kylie Jenner Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now