she won't let go when you hug her

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The way that you slammed the door as you walked inside instantly told Kylie that your day was anything but great. She was originally scrolling through her Instagram mindlessly, but not everything else seemed to fade away when she noticed the glint of sadness in your eyes.

"Come here, baby." She patted her lap and happily welcomed you in her embrace when you climbed into her lap. You buried your face in her neck, instantly finding comfort in the smell of her perfume that continued to linger on her soft and warm skin. You could feel her fingers moving along your spine and her lips in your hair, planting soft kisses to the crown of your head.

"Bad day?"

You nodded slowly and she felt her heart sink a little in her chest at the thought.

"I'm sorry, baby. But you're here with me now and I'll make it all better." She promised and felt your lips tug up in a smile against her skin. She hummed in your ear and held you tight in her embrace.

There was a moment of silence; although a comfortable one. You just focused on the thud of her heartbeat against your chest and her fingertips against your skin. Your worries slowly faded away and you started to look forward to an evening with Kylie.

You tried to pull away but she just held you tighter. You squirmed in her arms, only for her to lay her head on yours and let out a contented sigh.

"Kylie!" You laughed, the sound making her heart leap in her chest. "I'm alright now!"

"Good to know, baby girl. But I'm still not letting you go. I missed you and your day wasn't good, so I just wanna hold you for as long as I can."

She was being too sweet to argue with. You squirmed in her lap when her fingers brushed against your sides instead but you stopped when she whispered, "Look up."

You lifted your head from her neck. Your eyes were a little red and Kylie couldn't help but wonder if you'd cried today. She sighed and moved her hands from your back to cup your cheeks instead. Thumb circling along your skin softly, you watched her eyes move from your intense gaze and to your lips instead. She sank her teeth into her lip before sending you a smile and bringing you in for a loving kiss.

"Love you." She whispered softly. "Tomorrow will be a better day. I'm sure of it. You deserve it."

"Thank you." You smiled then kissed her again. You sighed when her arms wrapped back around you again, looser than before but still bringing you the same amount of comfort. Laying your head on her shoulder, you melted into her embrace as everything else slipped away.

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