chapter 2

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I wake up in the morning to sunlight filling my room. I must've woke up kind of late. I put some sweatpants and a T-shirt on, and grab my phone. I did wake up late, its almost 11. I go on my phone for a few more minutes until there's an annoying ass knocking on my door.

"What do you want?" I yell.

"Open the door." It's Todoroki. I had forgotten I gotten myself roped into hanging out with him today. I reluctantly get up and let him in.

"Good morning." He says.

"Yeah, whatever. What do you wanna do?" I say, going back to sitting on my bed. He closes the door and sits in my chair.

"Well you like to cook, right?"

"I can cook, yeah." I say.

"Okay. We should try to cook something."

"Fine. What do you wanna cook?" I say. "I can find a recipe for it."

"Soba. Cold." He says really quickly. At least he knows what he wants, damn.

"Let's make it spicy too." I add.

"Spicy cold soba..." Todoroki says as if he's processing the thought. "How do we make it?"

"Shut up and let me find a recipe." I tell him, scrolling through my phone. "Alright I found one. We probably have to go to the store."

"Okay. Let's go then." He says, getting up. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah, just wait a sec." I say, and go to my closet. I put a sweatshirt because it's kind of cold outside.

It's a free day, so the teachers don't care if you go out as long as it's not too far away.

"Do you think this will work?" Todoroki asks me as we walk to the store.

"Maybe. He'll see that I'm not interested and then you'll be able to tell him how you feel." I say.

"Okay." He says, sounding happy. At least I think. I can never tell with this guy.

We walk in silence for awhile. I'm thankful that he's not trying to talk to me again. I know we're supposed to act like friends, but we don't have to when we're alone, right?

We get to the store pretty quickly after that.

"Let's split up and get the stuff, It'll be faster." I say, and Todoroki nods. "You get the dashi, soba noodles, wasabi, daikon, and green onions. Can you remember that or are you an idiot?"

"I can remember. Text me when you get all your stuff." He says, and walks off to get the supplies. Jeez. I can never tell what that guy thinks unless he says it his fucking self, it annoys me.

As I walk around the store I start thinking to myself, this whole arrangement might not be so bad. Deku will stop liking me and I'll be doing charity work for Todoroki. I walk into the sugar aisle, and guess who's there. Pink cheeks and Deku. The most annoying combo ever. I quickly exit the aisle, hoping they didn't see me. I should get Todoroki over here.

deku is here

where are you

by sugar dont walk in the aisle


I wait for him to get his ass over here, good thing he's a fast walker.

"Is he in that aisle?" Todoroki asks when he gets here.

"Yeah, can't you hear them talking, idiot? I still have to get my damn sugar too." I complain.

"Let's just get the rest together then. I didn't end up getting all of the things I needed either." He suggests. I have no choice but to go along.

We walk into the sugar aisle, and those dumbasses are still picking out whatever they need.

"Which sugar should we get Bakugou? The big one or what?" Todoroki asks.

"I don't care. We won't need that much so get whatever one. We can give the rest to Satou." He takes the smaller one of the shelf, which is the right idea.

"Oh, hey guys!" Pink cheeks says in her annoying voice. "What are you guys doing here?"

"Shopping, obviously. Are you dumb or something?" I say in reply.

"Kacchan, she didn't do anything." Fucking Deku says.

"I wasn't speaking to you. Let's go, Todoroki." I say turning around, back towards them. "Also, don't you dare try to use the kitchen when you get back to the dorms, Deku."

"Since when were you friends with him?" Uraraka whispers not so quietly to Todoroki. I shoot her a glare.

"We've been friends." He says.

"Oh." Deku says in a less peppy sounding voice. Maybe this plan wasn't the worst.

"Yeah. See you guys later." Todoroki says and follows after me.

"You think it's working?" I ask after we get a ways away from the sugar aisle.

"I hope so."

"What else didn't you get? I got the soy sauce and sugar. I still need the sheet nori and mirin."

"I got the daikon, wasabi, and dashi. The last thing I needed was the soba." He says, counting what he has on his fingers.

"Okay, let's go get it. Do you think you can get drunk on Mirin?" I ask randomly.

"Hmm, maybe if you drink enough of it." He answers.

"You should try it. If you get sick you can make Deku take care of you." I say with a smirk.

"Let's just get the Mirin and cook with it." He says, dismissing my suggestion.

The rest of our shopping trip goes smoothly. We're walking back to the dorms, and either we're slow or they're really fast but Deku and Pink Cheeks catch up to us.

"Walk faster. I don't wanna walk by them." I tell Todoroki, quickening my pace.

"I don't really wanna walk by them either. Also, you said this has to be spicy, right? How are we going to do that?"

I put on a smirk. "I have ghost pepper extract. We'll add it to the soy sauce and it'll make it spicy. Hopefully it'll still taste good cold."

"And hopefully it won't burn my tounge too badly."

"Maybe then you'll finally shut up."

"I don't even talk half as much as you."

"Well, I guess you are sort of quiet." I say. "Hey, maybe we can feed it to Deku and watch him suffer."

"Let's not do that." He says, glancing back at them.


"Are you really going to wear an apron, Bakugou?" Todoroki asks as he ties my apron.

"Yes, I am. If you wanna get your clothes dirty I don't fucking care." I say.

"Give me an apron." He sighs. I give him the other one I had also borrowed from Satou. Deku and Uraraka must've stopped somewhere else when we were walking back, cause they aren't even here yet. I can tell Todoroki is worried about it, he has a certain look on his face.

"Quit fucking worrying. They aren't dating or anything so don't go overthinking it." I say as I tie his apron.

"I just- I'm not that good at conveying my feelings..." He admits.

"Well you're pretty good at saying what you mean to me."

"That's because I don't like you."

"And I don't like you. I haven't really liked anybody so I don't know how it is, but I don't think its too hard." I say, giving the bow I tied on his apron a final tug.

"You'll understand soon enough. Now, let's get started." He says, giving me a small smile.

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