chapter 9

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I wake up from my nap to a leg by my face.

"What the fuck?" I say groggily.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." Todoroki says, shutting his phone off.

"Why are you here?" I ask. My heart is pounding. It's not everyday you wake up to the guy you like in your bed.

"Well, you said we would hangout this evening. But when I got here you were asleep, so I decided to let you keep sleeping." He explains.

"Oh, well thanks I guess? Sorry, I just can't put up with Kaminari and Sero and them."

"Then just stay with me." He says.

"Well, they were begging, so."

"You're really bad with pleading, huh?"


"You so are. If I begged you to make me something I bet you would." He laughs.

"Fuck off." I say, turning over on my other side.

"Aw don't be like that. I'll even go and let you sleep." He says, starting to get up.

"No, it's fine. Don't go." I say. Why am I acting like this?

"I hung out with Midoriya today. Alone." Todoroki says.

"And?" I ask, half pissed off. I turn on my side to face him again:

"All he really did was talk about you. He doesn't even notice me." Todoroki sighs. "I don't think I have a chance."

"I'm sure you do." I say through gritted teeth. "You guys will be great together."

"I don't know." He says, sinking down and lying next to me. "You really think so?"


"That's reassuring, at least." He says. "Wanna have a sleepover? I'm tired too."

"Fine." I say. He's way too close to me. How am I supposed to normally function when I can barely think straight around him? I always end up letting my guard down.

"Great. I never got to have sleepovers when I was little." He tells me.

"Really? I had them a lot."

"My dad always made me train. I didn't really have that many friends until now. But in middle school, I had a few sleepovers."

"Oh. My parents aren't like that, thankfully."

"I just hope I don't turn out like my father." He admits.

"You won't."

"You know, I don't know why everyone thinks you're so bad and scary. I think you're cool." Todoroki says, laughing a little.

"Shut up. I already knew you thought I was cool."

"I know."

"What time is it?" I went to sleep around six, and I was out for a couple hours.

"It's like 10. I've been here for about an hour. You weren't answering your phone." He says.

"Yeah, I turned it off." I say sitting up and leaning over to grab my phone off the floor. When I turn it on I see I have a few texts from Todoroki.

"You should really keep your phone on."

"No, I'm tired of getting texted."

"You don't answer half the time anyways."

"But I look at them."

"What if I was dying and I texted you and your phone was off?" He says.

"Why would you text if your dying?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

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